Meme Top10 OTP

Aug 29, 2009 18:00

No sé hace cuanto debo este meme... pero finalmente, aquí está!!! Top 10 de mis OTP. Esta vez empiezo de la 10 hasta llegar a la gran número 1 ;) Las citas quedan en su mayoría inglés porque soy una indecisa para elegirlas y demasiadas para traducirlas. Y si son de series que no han acabado de ver... cuidado con los spoilers!

10. Bright/Hannah (Everwood)

Siempre me sentí algo identificada con Hannah, y la verdad la historia de los dos es preciosa, aunque odié el final que le dieron. Eran increíblemente dulces, en especial él con ella y sus inseguridades. Tres citas de mis momentos favoritos

Bright: Wait, no, wait. I didn’t come here just to say goodbye to you. Remember at first, when we first met, and you said you liked me, it was-it was really weird, y’know, and it wasn’t, y’know, but then we started hanging out and we became friends and you got hot.
[Hannah se ríe]
Bright: Okay. And I’m not talking about the take your glasses kind of way. I’m talking really… Oh, man,… Just…
[Bright la besa y ella rodea su cuello con sus brazos.]
Hannah: I feel sweaty!!!
[Bright ríe y la besa de nuevo.]

Bright: (to Hannah) I've never wanted a fourth date... until now. I do. I want more. I want 80 more.

Bright: Not so easy to get me to shut up when you can’t put your hand over my mouth, is it? See, you’re right, I’m not dumb. Now back to this girl. Yes, I use to go for that kind of thing, but you know what a girl like that looks at three in the morning? Crap-tastic. Requires too much maintenance. You on the other hand, you have all this other stuff that’s so important.
Hannah: I know, I have a great personality, and I make a great sandwich.
Bright: True, you do make a great sandwich. But it’s more than that. You are truly beautiful. You know what I think about when I’m kissing you? Think about your skin. Think about your eyelashes, how long they are when they’re touching my face. Think about the dimples you get when you’re laughing. Think about how cool it is that like, I might be the only person who knows how hot your body is. And I bet you at three in the morning that you look amazing.

9.Max/Logan (Dark Angel)

Aparte de mi amor por cada uno de los personajes, juntos hacían una pareja que me encantaba, y a la vez quería golpearlos por negarse tantas veces la oportunidad.

Logan: I always knew that underneath that bioengineered, military-issue armor plating there was a beating heart.
Max: Let's not go overboard here. I'm not signing up to join the Logan Cale brigade for the defense of widows, small children, and lost animals.

Logan: You know, you were much sweeter when you weren't feeling well.
Max: The bitch is back.

[cuando él le dice que se deje un vestido robado]Max: Logan Cale, protector of all that is good and true, advocating larceny?
Logan: No. I’ll call the store and have them charge it to me.
Max: Forget it. It’s a waste of money.
Logan: No, it’s not. You look beautiful in it. In fact, you were the most beautiful woman there.
Max: Logan . . . you've got nothing to be sorry for or ashamed of. It's never been about you being able to walk, not for me

Logan: "What can I do?"
Max: "Stay with me. Please."
Logan: "I'm right here."
Max: "You won't leave?"
Logan: "I'm not goin' anywhere."

[Cuando se está acabando el tiempo en que pueden tocarse] Logan: "How much time?"
Max: "Two minutes."
Logan: "I keep thinking about the night we took down Manticore...when I thought I'd lost you. I came home and sat on my sofa and I didn't get up again for days. The sun came up...the sun went down...I just sat there. It was like I couldn't move. It hurt too much to move. That's how I feel right now."
Max: "I knew this would happen. We shouldn't have taken the chance."
Logan: "We had to. You know we did. We can't keep going through this, though."
Max: "I know."
Logan: "That year we wasted, dancing around each other, afraid of actually admitting how we felt...If I had that time back, I would do that so differently."
(Max's pager beeps.)
Logan: "Well, I guess that's it."
(He kisses her.)
Logan: "I love you, Max."
(He walks away.)
Max: "I love you, too."

8. Jess/Rory

Nunca me gustó nadie más para Rory. Eran el uno para el otro, pero no lograron encontrar el momento correcto para ambos.

Rory: "Why are you only nice to me?"
Jess: Excuse me?
Rory: An hour ago you were totally screwing with Dean and now you're totally nice to me.
Jess: You see, it's the screwing with Dean that's an important step to getting here so that I can be nice to you

Rory: If you care about me at all, you will take that into consideration and you will be mildly polite to her.
Jess: What makes you think I care about you?
Rory: I dont mean care, care. Like 'care'. I mean if you like me at all. Not like, like. I just meant that if.. if you think of me remotely as the sort of person that you could occasionally stand to talk to, then you will try to get along with my mom, that's all.
Jess: Okay.
Rory: Okay?
Jess: I can't guarantee that'll work, but I'll try.
Rory: Thank you.

Rory: I am dancing, I can not control where my glance goes, and when I can control it, my glance goes to Dean.
Jess: You mean you can't control when you look at me, but you have to force yourself to look at him. [mira a Dean] Sorry man, that's cold

Rory: "What do you have to say to me?"
Jess: "I love you."

7. Michael/María (Roswell)

¡La mejor pareja de Roswell! Tanto en los libros como en la serie, pero acá me concentraré en los de la serie. En las citas, spoilers del final de la serie.

Michael (to Maria): We've been through some rough stuff lately. The thing is, you're right. I can't really imagine it happening, but I am gonna leave someday. It could be a
year, or 2, or 50. But I'm gonna leave. It sucks. It's the choice we made to be together. But there is one thing that I can promise you, and that is that I can give you now.

Michael: There's a lot about you Maria. There's a lot about you, but I think what means the most to me is that you're open. You know I can look into your eyes and I can see you. I can see what you're thinking. I can see what you're feeling. How much I mean to you sometimes, how much I piss you off sometimes. But I can always see you.
Maria: I see you too.
Michael: No, no you don't see me. You know when Max and Liz would kiss, and Liz would get the flashes? And when we would kiss you didn't. I know how much that hurt you.
Maria: That doesn't matter to me anymore Michael.
Michael: The reason you didn't get the flashes is because I didn't let you get them. I didn't let you see me. I've never let anyone see me before... because there are things inside of me that I don't want people to see. There's things inside of me that I'm not so proud of. But I've thought about it, and I want you to see me.

Michael: From day one, from the moment I kidnapped you and stole your car... I knew you were the girl for me. I never wanted anyone else...
Maria: Michael...
Michael: I still don't. Just... Wherever I'm goin', whatever I'm doin', just know I'll always love you.

6. Booth/Brennan

Podría poner las cuatro temporadas en quotes, que el 99% gritan B&B. Pongo solo unas cuantas. Hace un tiempo eran mi principal OTP televisiva,y aunque han bajado en el ranking, siguen siendo muy especiales para mi.

Booth: You know, you're a smart ass. You know that?
Brennan: Objectively, I'd say I'm very smart, although it has nothing to do with my ass.

Brennan: Booth will find us.
Hodgins: You have a lot of faith in Booth.
Brennan: No, faith is an irrational belief in something that is logically impossible. Over time, I have seen what Booth can do. It's not faith.
Hodgins: No offense, and I am not just saying this because you filleted me with a knife, we are out of air. We don't know if our message got out much less if anyone understood it and we are buried underground. What you have is faith baby---sorry, baby is just a reflex.

Booth: Here we are, all of us. Basically alone, seperate creatures, just circling eachother. All searching for the slightest hint of a real connection. Some look in the wrong places, some they just give up hope because in their mind they're thinking "Oh, there's nobody out there for me." But all of us, we keep trying over and over again. Why? Because every once in awhile, every once in awhile, two people meet and there's that spark. And yes, Bones, he's handsome, and she's beautiful, and maybe that's all they see at first. But making love... making love... that's when two people become one.
Bones: It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space.
Booth: Yeah, but what's important is we try. And when we do it right, we get close.
Bones: To what? Breaking the laws of physics?
Booth: Yeah, Bones - a miracle.

5. Gibbs/Ziva (NCIS)

He hablado hasta el cansancio a todo el mundo de como esta es para mi la relación más especial de NCIS. No como una relación pareja/romántica/sexual sino en cuanto a su conexión, confianza y seguridad. como se salvan y necesitan continuamente y su complicidad determina mucho de la misma serie. Eso es cierto, y es lo que amo de los dos en la serie. Pero fuera de la serie, digamos que como la unica pareja NO canon de mi conteo, también me gustan. Con todo ese background canon, podrían hacer una pareja fabulosa. (Eso sin contar la química fuera de escena de Mark y Cote)

Gibbs: I trust you, and you know it.

Gibbs: Ziva, I'm 3,000 miles away. What do you think I can do that they can't do?
Ziva: (llorando por teléfono) Honestly, I don't know. I was hoping maybe... Save me.

Ziva: I am merely trying to do my job.
Gibbs: Your job is to follow my instructions.
Ziva: And I respect that. Is it to much to ask for some in return?
(They looked each other. Gibbs turned the elevator on.)
Gibbs: No, it is not.
Ziva: So... That's it?
Gibbs: Mm hmm...
Ziva: Don't even get a slap on the head?
Gibbs: Don't push it.
Ziva: Just to be clear, are there any more of those rules I should be aware of?
Gibbs: About fifty of them.
Ziva: And I don't suppose they are written anywhere that I can...
Gibbs: No.
Ziva: Then how am I supposed to...
Gibbs: My job is to teach them to you
Ziva: [opinando sobre los abdominales de Tony] Oh, yeah! Not bad. Not as good as Gibbs, though
Gibbs [al ser cuestionado sobre Ziva]: I trust her with my life!

Y esta no va exactamente para esto pero es que me encanta XDDDDDD

Tony (sobre la historia que escribió McGee basada en el equipo): Apparently, McGee thinks Ziva is in love!!!
Gibbs: There's a reason they call it fiction, DiNozzo!

4. Jarod/Miss Parker (The Pretender)

Esta fue la primer OTP de mi vida y todavía tienen un lugar super especial! él, un genio escapado de una institución secreta donde experimentaban con él. Ella, la mujer encargada de atraparlo.

[Hablando por teléfono]

Miss Parker: I hope you find your mother.
Jarod: And what about... *us*?
Miss Parker: You run - I chase. That choice was made for us a long time ago.
Jarod: Maybe *that* is the "Parker Curse".
Miss Parker: [se limpia una lágrima] Yeah. Hell of a life we live in, Jarod.

Miss Parker: [contesta el teléfono justo después de que se le escapa ] What?
Jarod: [algo molesto] You've been chasing me for five years, why don't you leave me alone?

Miss Parker: Why is it that the one person that I've been trained to distrust, to hate, to capture is always with me during the most difficult moments of my life?
Jarod: Maybe, it's supposed to be that way.

Jarod: [sobre la champaña que ella está bebiendo] That isn't good for your ulcer.
Miss Parker: Neither are you.

Miss Parker: Why did you save my life?
Jarod: Because I still remember the little girl who gave me my first kiss.

3. Tony/Ziva (NCIS)

Habrá quien se sorprenda de verlos de terceros y no más arriba. Bueno... sorpresa! No es porque les quiera menos que antes, y son mi OTP más activa, pero aun les falta un poco para sobrepasar a las dos primeras. Pero eso no es lo importante. Lo importante es que Tony y Ziva son amor, aunque sean demasiado ciegos para admitirlo. Fueron hechos el uno para el otro, literalmente. Elegir sus frases y sus fotos fue misión imposible... Todo es Tiva.

Tony: "We [NCIS agents] never let other people know what we're thinking."
Ziva: "Right now you're thinking of doing page 57 with me."

Ziva: I don't need a babysitter, Tony, I've been in hundreds of these situations.
Tony: Never with me. As far as I'm concerned, you're a probie.
Ziva: I've never had sex with you either, does that make me a virgin?
Tony: Trust is a virtue that's earned, not given.
Ziva: (In a mocking tone) Profound!
Tony: I try

Tony: It takes a little more than an exotic accent and some stealth ninja moves to emasculate me.
Ziva: Only a little more? How disappointing!

[después de puntuar con un 4/5 el trasero de McGee, Tony quiere su puntuación]
Tony: Come on! Give it a little something. Come on! What do you think?! Rate it!
Ziva: Fine... a 2.
(Tony está en shock mientras McGee ríe. Gibbs llega y les dice que recojan sus cosas para salir. Tony le evita la salida del escritorio)
Tony: A 2?! 2?!
Ziva: I took off 3 points for excessive hair.
Tony: I don't have... That's a 5.
Ziva: If you shave. (se aleja)
Tony: Shave...

Tony: Hey listen, if this thing goes off, I just want you to know...
Ziva: (interrupting) This is not your fault, I know.
Tony: Uh, no, I was going to say your life would have had more meaning if you would have slept with me.
Ziva: If you had anything else in your mind, Perhaps I would have.
Tony: Really?
Ziva: Um, no

Ziva: Are you saying you'd like to handcuff me, Tony?
Tony: It's not really my thing, Ziva.
Ziva: I see. You're the one who likes to be handcuffed then, huh?

Ziva: I know what you're doing. You're hiding behind all these jokes. And I know what you're hiding from.
Tony: Yeah? What's that?
Ziva: What everyone afraid to love hides from, being hurt.
Tony: It's not just me that I'm worrying about hurting, Ziva.
Ziva: That's because you're a good person

Tony: I’m tired of pretending
Ziva: So I am.

Tony: I had no choice.
Ziva: That's a lie.
Tony: Why would I lie to you Ziva?
Ziva: To save your worthless ass.
Tony: From who? Vance? Mossad?
Ziva: You jeopardized your entire career for what?
Tony: For you

2. Dani Reese/Charlie Crews (Life)

Él fue traicionado por todos, ella no confía en nadie... Dani y Charlie representan más de lo que cualquier pareja (excepto la número 1) de este conteo puede representar para mí. Dani y Charlie van más allá de la UST, de la atracción, del romance. Su relación da un significado especial a la palabra amor. Quien ha visto la serie sabe que no necesito nada más para explicarme que una simple fórmula matemática:
1 + 1 = 1.

Charlie: El perro recibió el disparo después del chico. Y entonces le quitó el dedo al tirador. ¿Alguien te ha amado tanto?

Reese: I don't exactly understand you.
Crews: You don't need to understand here to be here.
Reese: That's what I don't understand.

Dani: ¿Por qué te importa?
Charlie: Me cae bien el tipo. Si fuera un vaquero, él sería mi tonto compinche.
Dani: Así como tú eres el mío.

Dani: ¿Todos quisiéramos ser ángeles? Crews, déjame decirte algo. Sé que conozco pocas cosas y que no me conozco a mí misma, pero estoy segura que no soy un ángel.
Charlie: ¿Ves?, esa es la clase de comentario humilde que un ángel diría.
[pone un ángel en el dash. Dani lo arranca y lo tira por la ventana]
Charlie: Eso fue muy hostil.
Dani: Eso ni se acercó a algo hostil.

Charlie: Es como si fuera nadie.
Dani: Nadie es nadie.
Charlie: Ahora hablas como yo.
Dani: ¡Retráctate!
Charlie: ¿Sería tan malo?

Charlie: después de que me dispararon, pensaste en mí, ¿verdad? [Dani desvía la mirada] Vamos. Lo hiciste, admítelo.
Dani: Sí… Sí, Crews, pensé en ti.
[evita el contacto visual. Charlie se detiene y se ven de frente]
Charlie: Acerca de cómo sería si yo, ya sabes, estuviera flotando lejos, cuan vacía sería tu vida. Reese sin Crews.
[Reese evade su mirada]

Charlie: Hey, Reese. Reese, le dijiste algo bueno sobre mi a Tidwell, ¿Eh?.
Dani [alarmada]: No, no lo hice.
Charlie: Sabes, Reese. Con la distancia me aprecias más.
Dani [a su secuestrador]: Tú estás conectado a mí. Yo estoy conectada a Crews. Te encontrará.

Bodner: No estoy seguro de entenderte.
Charlie: Tampoco lo estoy yo. Hoy tengo un pequeño problema con las matemáticas.
[llamada de Roman. Tras colgar]
Bodner: ¿Qué quieres decir con las matemáticas?
Charlie: Oh, no sé. Sumar las cosas.

Roman: Tú a cambio de ella.
Charlie: Yo a cambio de ella.

Dani: Crews…
Charlie: Sólo… respira.

What we learned as children, that one plus one equals two, we know to be false. One plus one equals one. We even have a word for when you, plus another, equals one. That word is love.

1. James/Lily (Harry Potter)

Esta es mi OTP de OTPs. No sabría explicar todo lo que amo de ellos. Por un lado, son una pareja tan normal!! Y por otro, tienen un corazón de oro y dieron su propia vida por su hijo. No pueod explicar por qué les quiero tanto, pero lo hago.

-Te crees muy gracioso - afirmó ella con frialdad -, pero no eres más que un sinvergüenza arrogante y bravucón, Potter. Déjalo en paz.
-Lo dejaré en paz si sales conmigo, Evans - replicó rápidamente James -. Vamos, sal conmigo y no volveré a apuntar a Quejiquis con mi varita.
A sus espaldas, el efecto del embrujo paralizante estaba remitiendo y Snape se arrastraba con lentitud hacia su varita, escupiendo espuma de jabón.
-No saldría contigo ni aunque tuviera que elegir entre tú y el calamar gigante - le aseguró Lily.

-Siempre estás desordenándote el pelo porque crees que queda bien que parezca que acabas de bajarte de la escoba, vas presumiendo por ahí con esa estúpida switch, te pavoneas y echas maleficios a la gente por cualquier tontería... Me sorprende que tu escoba pueda levantarse del suelo, con lo que debe de pesar tu enorme cabeza. ¡Me das ASCO! - exclamó, y dio media vuelta y se marchó de allí a buen paso.
-¡Evans! - le gritó James - ¡Eh, EVANS!
Pero Lily no miró hacia atrás.
-¿Qué mosca le ha picado? - dijo James intentando en vano fingir que era una pregunta hecha al azar, y que en realidad no le importaba.
-Leyendo entre líneas, yo diría que te encentra un poco creído, amigo mío - apuntó Sirius.

-Si bueno, siempre hacía el ridículo cuando veía a Lily - afirmó Sirius encogiéndose de hombros -. Cuando ella estaba cerca, James no podía evitar hacerse el importante.
-¿Cómo puede ser que mi madre se casara con él? - preguntó Harry afligido - ¡Lo odiaba!
-No, no lo odiaba - respondió Sirius.
-Empezó a salir con él en sétimo - concretó Lupin.
-Cuando James ya se le habían bajado un poco los humos - añadió Sirius.

-¡Toma a Harry y vete, Lily! ¡Es él! ¡Corre, vete! ¡Yo lo contendré!

Bueno gente, eso es todo. No saben lo que me ha costado hacer esta entrada!!!

fotos, meme, fandom: life, tiva, fandom: bones, fandom: ncis, otp, creese

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