I believe in Ziva, I believe in Gibbs: I believe in Zibbs

May 22, 2009 11:10

Querida flist: este es un post en un pésimo inglés para discutir el cap final con alguna gente. Son bienvenidas a leerlo, pero si no han visto el cap dudo que entiendan mucho. Si aun quieren spoilers, me dicen y hago un post en español sobre el tema explicando que pasó.

This is my diary. I have no problem to discuss Tiva, Ziva or Zibbs in any community, but in MY LJ, I hope you respect my taste and my toughts. So, if you're here to insult Ziva, or Tiva, or Zibbs, you're welcome to leave.

Ok, I almost never make entrys in english, but I need to say all these and I don't know if I could post just my toughts in a NCIS community.

Ok, first of all: I like the chapther. I'm not going to talk a lot because it's really tired to talk so much in english.

So, let's see.

1. Tony. I LOVE when he beat Eli David in interrogation. With all his arrogant actitud, he made mossad's director fail, and he said what Tony wants him to say. I hope Vance had learn there what a great agent Tony is. The way he looks at the camera... God, I love him!!

2. TIVA. The scene when she attacks him was powerful. She was so broken, so touch about Michael's dead... I love Tony actitud, so calm, he doesn't got angry or scared... he knew she need to do that. And I'm sure that she believes him. When she goes to dad's office to question him about Rivkin and if anything was real, I felt that she believes Tony. Why she said she didn't? She needs that excuse to force Gibbs to choose. And there's still a lot of anger in her. Tony hopes she call him. I don't think she's going to do that (even if she were free) because she's really proud...

3.The Ari storyline. It's not a secret that I'm a Ari's lover (or should I say "fan"? I like both options XD). I still think that he's the kid in the picture. The most shocking stuff of the hole chapther for me, was Vance revelation about Ari's shooting. So, I have some theories about it, because, my first reaction, was not to believe him.

So, about Ziva having the order to kill Ari, this are my theories:

A. It's not true. Everything happen as we saw it in Kill Ari. But Eli David is too damn good, and he realized that Ziva was lying and that she killed Ari. Gibbs lying in his repport made clear to him that Gibbs trust her daugther, and taking adventage of Ziva's friendship with Jenny, asks her to become mossad liason, so he can have an sleeping spy in NCIS.

B. It's true. Ziva was send to kill Ari. But she didn't want to shoot him. In all Kill Ari 1&2 we saw her moving a opperation to get him out of the country. The money, the passport... if she was going to do something, it was going to be in Paris. So, I think she was trying to protect Ari. It seems like she loved him a lot, if the boy in the picture is him...

C. It's half true. Eli David put her daugther as Ari's control officer because he knew she was good enough to discovered and eliminated him. So, Ziva's orders are to control the situation, and she found her self killing him.

In this three options, Eli David is a son of a bitch. And in three of them, I think the same: Eli David realized that Ziva has Gibbs trust and take adventage of it. Because really, for more good he is, I can't get how he was going to know that Gibbs will give Ziva that oportunity to prove herself to him. Actually, Ziva never made any move to get close to Gibbs in Kill Ari. She only talks to Jenny, and then talks to Gibbs when he asks to talk with her alone.

Now, about Ziva's orders as mossad liason...

-She told Gibbs that she asks for the liason. Well, even since then is obvios that if she was there was because his father agree.

-SecNav was right about one thing, that Michelle had alredy said in Shalom: It's not normal to have a self confess spy in a federal agency. So, everyone knows there was a risk.

-Ziva have been loyal to NCIS.

As long as I see, Ziva just tell one lie to Gibbs: "they believe your report, only you and me knows what really happen". Because is obviuos that someone else knew, and we know that it wasn't Gibbs who told it.

Now, maybe Ziva didn't know they know. Maybe she really thinks that only they know. How can we be sure that there wasn't a mossad officer fowlling her during Kill Ari? And the way Ari died, that shoot in the middle of the head, it's the same way Ari used to kill, so it maybe a Mossad sign... Eli David seems to know his daugther pretty well. He could deduce it.

Why bring these now? Eli David needs Gibbs away from his daugther. He's affraid, he's terrified, that Ziva respect more Gibbs than him.

Vance is just everyone puppet: Eli David, SecNav....


4. Gibbs/Ziva. Zibbs. This was SO a ZIBBS chapther!!! When she asks him if he's the next in betray him... It hurts!! It was so desperated, so "my world is crashing, and you're the only one I think I can trust, but I'm not sure of anything anymore, that's why I'm not going to tell you". I spend the entire chapther waiting for Ziva talks to Gibbs and explain everything, but  I guess that have to wait... The airport scene was beautiful. She forced to choose, but she knew that she was going to leave her behind. I saw some people interpreted Brennan declaration about she really forced him to choose as she was waiting he choose her. And not, I think she forced him to choose so officialy she was let behind in Tel Aviv, but she knew what she was doing, and Gibbs too. He said then. It wasn't his choise, it was Ziva's. The basement scene broke my heart. When he remember the shooting... (I even think at that momment that he's next boat is going to be Ziva XDD I know, too much Zibbs in my system). Well, when Gibbs kissed her I almot fall from my chair. One of my favorite Zibbs momment EVER. I don't care it was so sad.

5. Michael Rivkin. I do think he loves Ziva. I think that's why he asks forgiveness. I think he was a good agent, following Eli David's orders, just as Eli David confess. I believe Ziva care about him, and all her efforts was to evit that he ends as Ari. I think she didn't notify about he being out of control because she didn't want to recive the order to eliminated him. And I have a big question: Why was he so much DRUNK???

6. The end. Some people have said that Ziva made a mistake being undercover with that star of David. Come on, she's not so a bad officer. My theories:

A. My first tought when I was watching the series was that it's mossad who is interrogating her. I know it's in Africa, but Mossad it's international, isn't it? And Haddar was in the door, and I believe in a loyal Ziva. Maybe she didn't give daddy all he wants to know.

B. She was captured as a mossad officer, not underconver work. Haddar betray them and they're now in terrorist hands.

C. Her mission was to being capture as Israeli, and that's why she had the star with her.

The more curious detail, it's that terrorist asks about NCIS. Because that means one thing: who is doing these KNOWS that she's Ziva David. How many other israelis can talk about NCIS??? And it's not a secret she's director's daugther, so, or this are really fool/valient terrorists... or they're not affraid of Eli David because he knows what's happening. If he send to kill his son -as they wants us to believe, and I believe he's cappable of it- I believe he can send to torture his own daugther.

And, anyway, who is interested in knowing about NCIS?? Why some terrorist wants that intel???

Well, I think that's all for now. I just have one question in my mind that is going to bother me all the american summer:

Did Gibbs believe Vance about Ziva orders to kill Ari???

I have faith in Gibbs. I have faith in Ziva. I have faith in Zibbs.

tv: ncis

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