Una verdadera OTP de la vida real

Apr 26, 2010 00:07

Susan Levin Downey
Extra oficalmente conocida en Hollywood como el milagro que salvó a Robert Downey Jr.

Hoy he declarado oficialmente como mi nueva OTP la preciosísima pareja que hacen Robert Downey Jr y su esposa, Susan Levin, desde el 2005, Susan Downey.

He leído una entrevista con ellos sobre su relación y es algo precioso. Aun tengo que leer mucho sobre la vida de RDJ, pero solo saber que fue su padre quien lo inició en el consumo de drogas cuando era un niño y la cantidad de arrestos y todo que vivió te hace entender que vivía en un pozo muy oscuro...

Pero apareció Susan.

"I guess the only way to explain it is that I've become more like her. I'm still trying to figure out what happened," says Robert. "Whatever I was hungry for when I met Susan, I couldn't have known how much more satisfying what I got would be."

Though there were no initial sparks when Susan met Robert ("I thought he was a brilliant actor, but it didn't go beyond that. I saw him more like a professor or someone's older brother"), after a few weeks of working with him, she began to have second thoughts. "Four of us would work out together after the shoot, and one day, when we were on the treadmills, Robert goes, 'Levin, you wanna go to dinner?' and I said, 'Eh, I'll grab something to eat,' so we agreed to go change and meet in the lobby. And as he walked down the stairs toward me, I remember looking up at him and suddenly thinking, He's really cute."

Almost seven years after their first meeting, she still thinks her husband "is very strange," but her face lights up and her hazel eyes shine when she says it. "He's this incredible amalgam of contradictory traits that is never boring," she continues. "He's completely eccentric but grounded. He's someone who has lived so much life yet has almost a Peter Pan kind of never-grow-up quality."

But Robert was not quite finished with what he refers to as his Darth Vader side. "I did meet Darth Vader, for like a minute," Susan acknowledges, "right after the movie wrapped, and I said immediately, 'This isn't gonna work.' I made it clear that to stay with me, nothing could happen."

Something about Susan's ultimatum clicked. Around July 4, 2003, Robert stopped at a Burger King on the Pacific Coast Highway, threw his drugs in the ocean, and decided that he was done for good. "I think he saw what we had," Susan says. "There was something magical there, something we couldn't put our finger on. He always says that we became this third thing when we got together - something that neither of us could have become by ourselves - and I think that's true."

"There's something about her that is so pure and ... right," he says. "But then there's the other stuff too, the shadowy side of her that is delightful and that she shows only to me."

"For whatever reason, when we came together, there was a sense of hope and excitement and possibility." She pauses, looks around her, smiles, and says, "If there was no Hollywood, no next movie, no deal at Warner Brothers, no place in Malibu or Venice, I would still be really happy."

"It's a real yin and yang, and it's made him a joy to work with. Robert would be a pain in the ass if he didn't have Susan to police him." It's not, Ritchie explains, that Susan has erased his dark side; she has simply helped him own it. "He battles with it now; there's no denial or suppression going on. He's fully engaged in life." 
La entrevista completa de donde saqué estos trozos es esta, y es, me repito, una belleza. Ahora necesito un icon de estos dos para mi sidebar (¿alguien quiere hacer uno? ESTA es mi foto favorita, pero la verdad todas me gustan XD) y mis followers en tumblr me perdonarán el spam.... OTP es OTP!!!!

PD: he estado enferma estos días, totalmente resfriada, no he hecho nada (excepto los compromisos que ya tenía) y tengo mucho trabajo acumulado... pero tenía que hacer esta entrada! Lamento no estar en condiciones de traducirlo.

actor: robert downey jr, shipper: susan/rdj, otp

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