eep! paige was in a wreck!

Sep 26, 2006 18:24

yep, today i was pulling out of
the school parking lot & i thought
the girl infront of me had pulled out,
so while looking at the on coming traffic
i moved forward. then suddenly BAM, i'd bumped into
the girl's car. luckly no visible harm was done to
either car so the girl didn't report it.
mostly it just scared the crap out of me,
it was my first wreck in a car after all. :/

Other news:
i had to work today. 4pm-6pm.
i vacumed the whole house & sweeped
her basement, & clean the lampshades.
that lady's basement is nasty, she has
two cats that live down there 24/7 & one
of them coughs up hair balls all over the
place. i had to clean all that up.
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