Feb 08, 2009 03:45
Well hello there,
Interesting isn't it..?
What's that?
Oh, everything.
School makes us read all these books
splattered with all these themes
but, wouldn't it just be easier
to show us life instead?
Make us really smart.
It wouldn't be that hard..
to teach of how to think.
How to learn.
How to use our fucking brains..
Well, I guess it would be for some.
Then, I go on to hate all these little fucks.
Angry SilverCity guests, and even staff..
Which made me think about what they all did today
I wonder, maybe one of them got fired.
Out with girls, 'your boyfriend is cheating on you'
in hopes of making things better.
'What? He's just not that in to you is sold out?'
'can't you make a little room, there has to be some tickets left'
Poor little fucks.
Poor us.
Poor everyone.
I'm sitting here..
right now. Typing to this brainwashing mindsucking machine.
Girls are being raped. Babies killed. Wives abused. Children fighting in wars they can't even begin to understand.
And for what?
In the end,
this helps no one.
The only species that rages wars on themselves.
Sure, some fight in the wild.
One on one.
Not countries against countries.
I bought some pills.
I don't really know why.
Maybe to try to make life feel beautiful again, if only
for what seems like a a shit break.
Or maybe to disappear.
Maybe because I have nothing else that's real.
I know he horrible.
But at least it was real.
With the new one,
I never know.
Not for sure, anyway.
Not the way I used to.
Captain Dickhead, at my profit sucking location of child exploitation
asked me
"What are your priorities?"
I really didn't know.
I've been thinking about it all night.
And even into this morning.
Does anyone really know?
Aren't they always changing?
Goals are nice,
but when they are reached..
then what?
They say having goals keeps people happy..
I think it just keeps them distracted.
if people were to sit down and really think about life
for a long time
suicide may finally take over
as leading cause of death.
Instead of being 3rd.
Broader picture established..
I don't think any of us want to live here.
I don't think any of us should want to live here.
I am not proud of humanity.
I am not proud to be, to the money hording elitists, ignorant and malleable.
They've spent generations making a plan so good..
that even as we are slowly starting to figure it out..
it's too late.
Everything relies on fucking money.
Cept maybe those few villages in countries in less economically developed countries.
And, even then, what is that shit?
Those motherfuckers are poor as balls.
Cause we sucked 'em dry.
But I admit those tiny communities.
They rely on each other.
Continually mutually benefiting from their friendships, and relationships.
Sure, they lie, and cheat and steal..
just like every other vagina escaping fucker this world has seen.
But they uphold some sort of humanitarian values.
Although, maybe forced..
I don't know what I want from this life.
And, I don't know what this life wants from me.
But, I don't think riches the fire behind my ass.
I want to be something great.
Without having to sell out.
Make a difference.
But, a real one.
Even if it goes unnoticed.
Okay, maybe not too unnoticed, but hopefully you follow.
Anyways, Chrissy, I hope you enjoyed this..
reminders of the old days.
Since you're probably the only one reading.
Or, the only one who cares.