Aug 07, 2005 23:16
So this week I went on a vacation with my beloved Katherine
During the week I read three books, and after I read books I always wish I could see the world through a writers eyes...or through the main characters, because they see everything in such detail and passion and I wish my life was full of such appreciation for small things.
When I start to think about that kinda stuff, i start imaginging things in that sense in my life and get all quiet around groups of people, which is sorta the way i was at heathers party.
I leaned over the tip of Eric's boat while it was going, and just thought about how if I were in a book, i would describe it as flying, and seeing how it was sunset, it was perfect.
And then we swam and I layed on my back and all i could see was the sky and light. My ears were in the water so all I could hear was myself and motors from boats far away. And I decided to describe it as feeling infinite.
And then at one point during today as I was thinking again, someone looked at me and smiled in a way that made my heart melt.
I love books, they take me away to other lives and appreciate things that I can't find in my own. But then again I'm off in that world and I can't be here long enough to learn to appreciate what's right in front of me.