I'm kinda out of the LJ world right now. I've been busy hanging out with everyone around here. Kellie's open house was a complete sucsess if you ask me. Everyone got along and all the guys seem to be like best friends now which is pretty convenient. However, when I got home the fun ended and yeahhh.. I paid for it the next couple days.
I got to spend Fourth of July with Danny. That was a complete surprise..but I liked it :] My car ended up messing up so I didn't do anything that night but drop Danny and Darren off. It was soo nice to spend the night with him though. I missed him alot. && I think I'm driving down to Kzoo and spending the weekend there.
Blah, this may be my last entry in livejournal. All people seem to use it for anymore is to complain about one person or another, or talk shit about someone, or talk about who they like and dont like, and last I checked we were all old enough to do it in person rather than hide behind the computer and say everything. As for the current situation at hand..if that is the way you're going to treat your "best friend"..then don't consider me one of your friends.
Anywaysss..blah blah blah I'm going to summer cel tonight with the crew aka Kate, Kel, Smo, Mike, Adam, Brandon, and who knows who else. It's going to be a fun time && I know you all wish you were going with us. &&&& I can't wait to see Danny tomorrowwwwww :] <33