screw this....

May 29, 2004 09:35

hmm so muh has been going on... where do I even start.
Thankfully last week is FINALLY over.. last week was hell for me at school. I had a term paper due Thrusday, plus a big math test. The night before I had a redbull and was wired up till about 2.. then couldn't fall asleep. damn those red bulls haha.
Thursday night we had a clubs banquet at the sketti factory and had free sketti! :) there was like 100+ people there. After that Joel and Kevin and Danielle came home from southern so we all went to super B. Sam came up to hang out too :) After that everyone wnet there seperate ways to do some stuff. jarrett kev and joel came and picked me up to go meet at aarons. That fell through so we all just hung out at my hosue and played cards.

Friday... I was sopossed to work at 10AM and got a phone call waking me up at 10:10 from my manager asking me where I was at. I jumped out of bed and got ready so fast!! So i was 40 min late... After work I was sopoeed to go home and pack to leave for the weekend but didn't got camping cuz the weather was goign to be bad. So no I have this weekend taken off work and nothing to do! hopefully I can pick up a couple shifts. I went to my padres house last night instead. I needed to go out there so bad.. I missed my family trumendously! I hadnt seen them for like 2 weeks.. felt like a month! I started crying when I hugged my dad ..dunno why.. maybe cuz I was feeling down and just needed a hug from them.. and it had just been to damn long! I didn't tell them I was comnig over so they were so shocked to see me. Cody had told them I went camping so they diidn't expect me. Caleb came up to me and gave me the BIGGEST hug I haev ever gotten from him.. man it felt good. :( I need to move closer to them or they need to cmoe out here! Last night, I alsmot came home (without asking my mom) with a kitten. Oh there this one that whenever you take a picture of all them, it ALWAYS looks up directly at the camera... hes the little guy I want! I named hime "mini-me" becuase hes a camera hog! ha Two different cats had a litter of kittens. So theres about 7-8 kitttens PLUS tim found 3 more brand new babies under the porch. OMG they didn't even have their eyes open! I could hold two of them in my palm. mmm kittens are so cute! :) I wanted to take them all home with me. My little brother last night was such a nut! man everytime I see him he always gives me a funny story to bring home with me :) so... I was cleaning out my car last night and put in my new stearingwheel/ floor mats in my car. And siah comes out in the garage to say goodnight to Lisa. then turns and walks away. My dad goes "arn't you going to say goodnight to your sissy?" he goes oh "goodnight sissy." I asked him "what I don't get a hug goodnight?!" so he starts walking over to me with his hands wide open for a hug.. and I said "no I don't want one now!" haha so he turns around and goes "oh okay.." and starts walkign in the house.. like it was no big deal. HAHA it was just so cute!!

You know what .. I am so SICK of people getting into other peoples business and just trying to start drama!~ Just mind your own business and quit Talking to me! Your just wasting your time.. Why would you talk to someone.. intentionaly trying to put them down. When they were once your friend?! honestly.. thats messed up.. just leave me the hell alone!

ANYWAYS. not that thats off my chest... I woke up late and am missing my work meeting right now.. but todd is there and hes texting me telling me how gay it is.. and its fine thatm im not there. so HOPEFULLY i dont' get in trouble!

This week I have to finish my study guide... going to mil highs graduation with christy, saturday night im going to the Murder Mystery HOuse dinner with ASG. We're takign the max down town and going to dinner at this place where they do a performance around you and then someone dies and you have to fifgure out who the killer is... its kinda like clue.. but in real life. :) That shall be fun. Then the week after that im going to sunriver. I am so excited to go.. but dreding at the same time... my cousin is goign to be there... and I have a bad past with him.. so im sure im giong to feel so uncomforable there. Also I know being there will make me bring back memories from last year and how great that trip was. mm damn memories.. Shelby is/was sopossed to go with me.. but I guess she is in the rose festival parade. so she cant' come. YEAH rose festival is coming to town again! man I love that place!! fun stuff.

well im done typing right now.. im gunna go lay back in bed and watch television... im hanging out with ashb today :) then we're gunna go watch the boys practice in there band.

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