Jun 27, 2005 01:41
I'll admit it.
I've pretty much abandoned Livejournal for Xanga. Not that I write anything more productive in there. I just figured I should update this just so that the last entry I made wouldn't be about the robbery anymore.
Journaling will never, ever be useful to me until I stop thinking that writing down what I really feel cementifies it.
I have a mad passion for plastic spoons and Coca-Cola and wish I had a book to read. It'd be nice if a new Insiders book came out every time I finished one. Or maybe I'm too big of a fan of instant-gratification.
I signed up for LCCC last week. I'm hoping at least one of my classes won't suck. I think a couple could work out well.
Anyway though,
it's hypocrisy_owns on Xanga.