Jul 14, 2006 12:56
A record for me two entries in one day.
Just had my lunch and realised we have some very interesting, if some what twisted conversations in the smoke room. They range from politics, family, relationships, Iraq and so many varied things. Today was rather morbid about Donner Registration and death.
Now that sounds rather cruel and cold but it was very interesting and started me thinking again.
I was asked if I'm on the Donner list and I was but I've lost my card so need to get it and do it again. We were talking about the different type of donner you can be. Now I don't mind them taking liver, kidney and other stuff but I would like to keep my eyes. But I'll be dead so why would I care if I have my eyes or not?
Part of me screams they are mine, you can't have them. But isn't that rather selfish, I wouldn't be using them again and if they can help someone else or medical science, then so let them have them. But they are mine, do they have an imprint of everything I've seen? No not really thats my brain and once the electrically impulses aren't firing then does everything I know get wiped? Like blanking disc or tape. Does it just go to static? I don't know.
But would I want to donate my whole body to medical science? No not really. I don't want to be in frezzer storgae or hanging in a lab and letting someone cut me up and play with my bits. No respect some people. But then I won't be in the body anymore so why would i care? I shouldn't.
This conversation led on to discussions about burial and cremations.
Some people don't want to buried. They don't like the idea of being enclosed and the bugs and things. Or the idea of the weeping family round the graveside. But for some people that image is reassuring.
Some people do't like the idea of being burnt, sorry, cremated. They are scared of fire. They don't like the idea that the family would have no where to go to remember them. And that once that's done, thats it they are gone.
If someone doesn't like the idea of either of them, they don't have much option left really.
Me personally, I don't like the idea of being in a box, under ground. I don't like bugs, I don't like enclosed spaces. And if I had a headstone who would look after it? Once your immedate family have passed on, who will care about a lump of stone? So it would just stand there, taking up room, getting messy.
I don't want people I care about trampsing up to a graveyard just to pay respects. But I understand for some people that space is necessary. I would prefer to be cremated. But I don't want randomly scattering, though that would cover my personality. The old phrase " I want to be a tree" srpings very clearly to mind. Use me for someting useful one last time. Plant a tree and use my ash as fertilzer. If you want chuck a bench underneath when it grows a bit but I want a tree. Not a shrub but a nice tree, with red leaves or damn my mum has a really nice one in her garden but i can't remember what it's called but it looks kinda japanese.
I would very much like a tree, then no worried about who's going to polish my headstone or deal with my weeds. Just plant a tree and watch it grow.
See I don't want a depressing funeral. If you wamt to turn up then fine go ahead But don't mourn my passing, rejoyce I was here to start with to drive you crazy.
See told you lucnh time in the smoke room was strange. Or am I strange for thinking none of this is depressing and just an inveitable fact of life?