Well from my subject I guess you could guess what this blog is all about .... well anyways thats right I got myself a new Tattoo... Its cute and is on my back upper left shoulder kinda itss... Cherries with the stem and leaf... When I got it at first it hurt but then you get use to the pain its just like a bunch of needles pricking you well duh thats exactally what it is... But afterwhile it was numb and I just sat there watchin a movie while Will did it.... I got the hook ups big time didnt have to pay 80 dollars or so for it... It has color and everything will get it a touch up when will tells me can... But for now its on its healing process but its so cute and I like considering I love wearing those cute little spagetti strap shirts... Well here's the pic of it tell me whatcha think guys....
Comment on it let me think what you think...