Today, (as told through pointless rambling).

Nov 18, 2009 23:20

I drove to work this morning, while listening to my ipod, playing out of what I believe to now be only one working speaker in my car. All of my music played terribly unbalanced from the rear left speaker. Furthermore, I can't decide if my turn signals are getting worse, or are just more resistant to extreme temperatures, and tend to work more consistently as the car warms up. *insert facepalm number 1*

While at work, I first had a rather obvious and quite clever joke go straight over my head, much to the delight of my coworkers. Later in the day, I found out that the bossman dismissed a long list of very justified complaints by my department, once again favoring the other department. This was followed soon after with an email of much greater importance from the other boss: the revamping of the Secret Santa exchange, which will now require participants to exchange family recipes and notes that say nice things about our coworkers. *insert facepalm number 2*

While grabbing dinner, I got stuck in line at Wendy's behind a large family that included a number of bratty children, one of which was a particularly stubborn pre-teen girl who spent nearly ten minutes grumbling bitterly about not having enough time to decide, before finally settling (after much drama with her mother) on a kid's chicken sandwich meal. *insert facepalm number 3*

Furthermore, I lost one of my favorite bobby pins today, which has to be, by all logic, somewhere in the vicinity of my dresser, though I'm convinced it was sucked into a black hole when I wasn't looking. *insert facepalm number 4*

In short, it was a Wednesday. On the upside? I'm on vacation IN 5 DAYS. Seriously, it can't come soon enough. Next Wednesday promises to be a significant improvement.
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