update time

Jun 10, 2007 22:37

It is me again. It's been a while. Same story, different day.
I had an epiphany.
I think I am gay....lol
I am unhappy with my current situation I have decided to make a change.
I have had a virus for over a week and a half.
I have barely any voice ala laryngitis.
My job still sucks.
On a happy note....I passed my classes and I am now 2 more classes less towards my massage therapy certification.
I am free of school for summer as I could not take classes because YES I AM STILL GOING TO SECTUS!!!!!
I am available for massages (for ppl who live by me) most evenings and weekends so call me up bitches!!!!
I am tired of typing so...............

I'm out bitches!
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