May 06, 2007 21:50

Well hello there flist! How are all of you???? Me, well....I am here. So sorry that I have not used my LJ in a whole. I have had major things going on in my life and have hardly had time to think much less leave a message in here.
Currently I am working full time and going to school for massage therapy. Yea, if you are nce to me maybe I will give you a free one. My job sucks, I want out of it!!! Hopefully I will be certifiably a massage therapist soon and bring in da bucks.
I am officially going to Sectus. Yeah, thats right, my American ass is gonna go to London. No promise that I shall return though...he he he. I am SO excited however. I can't wait to meet some of the wonderful people involved in HP fandom! I am a whore for H/D art and fic!
I hope all on my Flist are doing well. I am sorry that I have not kept up with you that much but maybe some day I will be able to sit and keep up with this journal.
Anyone who wishes may leave me a comment/message.
For any one who cares, I am still trying desperately to get a picture done for Sectus. I am gonna try my hardest but I make no promise.
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