May 17, 2005 12:19
i listen to this song a lot, and everytime i do i think about when people say "ive got everything" "ill give ya everything" "you mean everything to me" and then i listen to this song because all those everythings mean nothing to me.
anyway its been a long time since ive posted anything so i think ill try to make this one a long one.
been workin a lot at the old bookstore. most of the time, well i wouldnt call it fun necessarily but it definitely wasnt unfun or boring. it gives me something to do and thats always good.
i do have a gripe about working there though. its indirectly pointed at books a million for tuning it in, but most of it is pointed at every stupid person that watches it and gives it higher ratings. the news is by far the most pointless show in the world. the news has no place in most of the stories it covers. almost everytime i turn on the news i hear something about the michael jackson case. now i dont keep up with recent events, mostly because im discouraged by all the crap in the media, so i was not aware that he had so much sway over our day to day lives. aparantly he needs more recognition than the government because hes more talked about. with his court case. its not even a really big court case. its on whether or not he sexually abused a small boy, important in its own right, but not nationally important. and if anyone argues that that is significantly important to them and they have never met that boy or michael jackson, then you are a fuckhead. its one case where theres gonna be a guilty or not guilty, its not changing the country, but apparently it is getting ratings because everyday they have recreations and shit like that. first it was the terri schiavo case where again the media butted its way in for a ratings increase. then michael jackson. then that lady who got cold feet and so they made it look like the husband had killed her, and he didnt so he totally shoulda sued. then they found her, sooooo back to michael jackson. i really dont care. give me stuff thats important. i think cnn is slowly turning into a tabloid. a good tabloid i guess, but still a tabloid. its already got aliens and celebrity scandals. its only missing paparazzi photos of celebritys without their makeup or clothes or whatever. the only other way to see this is cnn is doing their job. they are reporting what the general masses WANT to know about. then im just gonna spin around in a circle with my finger pointed out and yell out stupids. and cnn will come and report on the kid whos spinning around yelling stupids. and my message will be sent, because ill effectively be calling everyone who watches stupid.
oh well.
i get to play d&d soon with some people like every monday once the dm gets back from the other side of the country. that should be fun.
i also rented baldurs gate 2 and have been playing that. its super awesome.
i bought catcher in thr rye again cuz i cant find my copy.
oh well.
i completely forgot what i was gonna put on here. im gonna try to be in btown the week after june 15th. the only problem is thats after the house closes because somebody took accepted our price, so...i dont have a place to stay for however long id be there. and i cant afford a hotel. so i have to depend on the kindness of strangers if im gonna visit because my money will be going to gas and food, not a rood and showers. so yeah just thought id put that out there.