Mar 28, 2005 12:23
I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter! NO MORE LENT<3
Seriously, after reading a few of my friends' (or just random people on my list that I actually loathe) LJ layouts, I'm convinced that a few are certifiably insane.
You heard it: insane.
I'm glad I only associate with the cool people nowadays, because I'd hate to see the effect these may have once had upon me and how I act.
In brighter news, I began playing poker for money. Scored 40 bucks within my first hour. Ended the night only $27 bucks ahead (note: BAD BEATS), but it's experience. My books should be arriving soon and this will only help. I'm a student of the game. If I find I'm some sort of prodigy, I will drop out in a heartbeat because I can guaran-fucking-tee you that I'm more intelligent than 95% of the people who possess a bachelor's.
Cher was a lifesaver last night. I won't go into it, but yes. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Don't doubt your abilites, by the way.
Comment away, lovelies.
Seacrest out.