Finally home after two straight days of being out and about and completely fucking SLOSHED.
Wow, the hangover is excruciating.
Not kidding.
Ok, so Brett comes into town and calls me up.
I head to the UCity Loop (Delmar Boulevard for you not in the STL know)
and meet brett and the group (Brett, Heidi, Me, Sugar, Cokehead Chris, and Bacon)
We get snuck into the backdoor of Red Sea because two of us are under 21 and w/o fake iD's.
so what do we get while in there?
i drink 2 martinis, 2 amoretto sours, and a beer all on an empty stomach.
gj justin.
some guy comes after brett (2 time WORLD KUNG FU SPARRING CHAMPION AND NAIA ALL AMERICAN WRESTLER) because his ex (Heidi) is now banging Brett. smooth move, dumbfuck. but Brett is low-key and philosophical so he just ignores it but I wanted to fight. :D:D:D:D
some short guy with a camera working for the club comes up to sugar, me, brett, and heidi and goes: "oh my god, you guys are pretty, i need a picture!"
yeah sup ego boost.
im not as ugly as i thought.
and the new haircut is nice.
we leave there at like 2 or 3 or something.
cokehead chris, being fucking LACED OUT on coke, is yelling at sugar for crying because she cant find her keys.
the kid wants to drive home but we don't let him because h can't even walk or BLINK.
so he starts to walk, i follow him and he takes off.
so brett and I are chasing a coked out kid like it's fucking COPS or something.
"stawy away just stay away"
god, so funny.
he ended up sneaking out and driving home.....we think.
so bacon, sugar, and i are trying to pass out downstairs while brett and heidi start banging upstairs......LOUDLY =[
i woke up at 9 or so because the phone was ringing but i heard the guy who wanted to fight brett CAME INTO THE HOUSE UNINVITED
and i slept through it all....hahaha GO ME!
so sugar (all 95 lbs of her) chases him out.
we grab pizza the following morning and I have tot ake Brett to his modeling shoot.
i go antiquing. I felt so stupid.
but my hair looked cool...parted over to one side with short hair....looked Gucci-ish.
Sugar thinks I'm cocky because she's like "god youre fucking cute" and im like "thanks" and dont say anything back.
we grab brett and drive home so I can change.
brett gives me his shoes because i dont have any black ones.
they're 3 sizes small =[=[=[
we head to heidi's and plan to go to someone's house.
we go there, sherry was supposed to meet me there but she wouldnt know anyone but me and would feel weird
bacon almost snowboards down the staircase with a fucking retard helmet on HAHAHAHAH
so we head to the velvet.
so we head over there.
it's 18 and up but obviously i cant drink in there
so brett tells me to slam all my booze
a 6 pack of triple black and 3 beers all within 15 minutes.
not a good idea.
i go there and BAM sherry pulls up at the same time.
i charge her car and give her the biggest fucking hug i've ever given anyone.
so....i get carded and the dumbass doesn't realize that im NOT 21.
i pay the 5 dollar over 21 price instead of the 15 dollar under 21 price hahahahaha
get my wristband and go in. fucking yes.
so we're all excited, but im already drunk for slamming all that alcohol in the car (passenger)
i drink 3 more shots and a couple more beers right when i get in.
brett danced. GOOD JOB NGR lol
i called cher like 18 times in the bathroom and pissed ALL OVER THE WALL.
go me.
so we go to leave
i call sherry
we had met outside twice just to talk a bit.
the trip home was the best trip ever.
everyone was laughing the entire time
brett almost broke my finger.
went home went to sleep.
woke up early to pay insurance
the end.
this is me just woken up with a hangover and bed hair and ICK