Jul 10, 2007 16:47
yep, everyone was right. i'm miserable. i want to go back to school.
and i don't even have a job yet.
my parents are hell bent on telling me that they don't want me to stay with them, "we know you're going to leave," blah blah. but in reality, they don't. they aren't really helping me get out of here. they are quite aware of the fact that i won't find a job outside of michigan very easily while i'm still in michigan, but "d.c. is too far to drive, airplane tickets are too expensive, where will you live? you are never going to come back..." the comments that easily put your spirits down seem to be oozing out of their parental mouths, as if they were negativity sponges being squeezed by my spontenaity.
i am going to help my sister move, which she is doing on wednsday, and then the next week i plan to leave. and go where? i have friends in d.c., who i'll be calling soon, i have friends in carlisle, and i have friends in ohio. that seems sustainable enough to get me out to d.c. anyway.
but, could someone just tell me i'm going to be okay? that's in short supply these days...