good news for me...

Dec 13, 2008 03:46

First, I still have cards left - I'd love to send you one, so if you didn't give me your address, feel free! (screening replies).

Second, they finally announced the "preliminary" plans for our department's regionalization/reorganization and at the very least it would appear I won't be losing my job in the near future (although who can ever really say). Having said that, they are claiming that no one from our region will lose their jobs, which I sort of believe is a lie, and that no one from the Springfield region will necessarily lose their jobs, as they will be offered the opportunity to move or commute, which I am near 100% positive is a lie, as why regionalize but keep same # of people? They are supposedly going to move people from about 12 sites all to my office and make it one big "call center" with headsets and the whole bit, which I might actually like, as I like the phone part of my job best, except my boss pretty much told me that she's been promised the manager role and she doesn't want me on the phones much, keeping me in an HRIS role. They are taking away our programmer and I am going to be one of the strongest people, technically, in the department. We are doomed.

It is imperative that I pass my certification testing on January 8th, though, so I really, really, really need to get my ass into gear and get studying. I can't believe this is already mid-December. Damn. Time flies, and I'm not even particularly having fun.
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