Jul 09, 2007 00:53


My hp_summergen got posted, and it made me go *__*

Title: Organic Shrapnel
Recipient: hecticity (my old journal)
Fic or Art: Fic
Rating: G
Characters: Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy & Dean Thomas
Warnings: Character deaths
Summary: Her hair's not the way it was in the Summer of the War, in the months when Ron would shove Luna clumsily into the maple banister leading to the wine cellar, when the soggy wood would splinter the skin on her back and she'd shut her eyes, knuckles cold against the glass bottles of merlot that Sirius' mother diluted with house-elf blood.

I just... SFJKDFSFDJFGE I don't even know. GO READ IT.

squee, recs

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