care package for Jessica

Mar 31, 2008 18:18

Jessica is in the midst of Coast Guard training to become a Watch Officer for Outward Bound (pretty much living on and captaining a 30' sailboat all summer with classes of adolescent adventurers). It's pretty intense. I'm sending her a care package (the first of many, no doubt). It contains:

* EmergenC
* Hershey's Kisses (large bag)
* Assorted Teas
* Honey
* her favorite Granola Bars
* a book of Sudoku puzzles

I'm looking for fun suggestions though, for the next care package... what would you want in a care package? It needs to be something that she doesn't have to pack around with her though, that's why I'm not sending her a giant teddy bear or anything like that. I was going to send her a good novel, then realized that she has no spare time for pleasure reading due to the intensity of the classes.
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