Title: Baby Boom - or, An Alternative to the Epilogue
Word Count: ~500
Rating: G
Disclaimer: None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Notes: It was decided that we needed a reworking of the epilogue. I had heard a rumour months ago that it would be in a Rita Skeeter-style article. Well, I couldn't quite channel Rita, but I thought perhaps a gossip column set about eight years after the end of DH would work, too. No ships have changed, though a few more are implied. I hope you enjoy!
Baby Boom!
July 22, 2007
No, my dear readers, that’s not a product from WWW! It seems that everyone who is anyone (or married to someone important) is in the process of growing or raising sprogs.
Hugo Weasley was born early this morning to War Heroes Ron Weasley and Hermione Weasley née Granger, joining his older sister Rose. Rumour has it that the latest addition's name was picked from the surname of a famous Muggle author, one of Muggle-born Hermione’s favourites. The elder child's name is believed to come from the successful brand of Wizarding strategy games that Ronald has developed for his brother George’s jokeshop. The Phoenix Rose is one of the most anticipated board games to debut in years, and is said to be based upon his experiences during the Phoenix Wars of the 1990s that made him a national hero.
Rose joins her Potter cousins, 14 month old James Sirius and newborn Albus Severus, sons of Harry and Ginny née Weasley. The wife of the director of Auror training for the Ministry is rumoured to be showing a bump yet again. Could this powerful hex and spell developer for the Weasley family business be expecting a third child?
The Malfoy family has expanded its ranks this weekend, as well, with Scorpius Malfoy being born Friday evening to a proud Draco and Natasha Malfoy, both of who work as Unspeakables for the Ministry of Magic. The boy is said to have inherited his father’s striking looks, and we can only hope that they will grace us with a photo soon!
Neville Longbottom, one of the many heroes of the Fall of He-Who-Is-Named-Voldemort, has recently accepted a teaching position at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, replacing Pomona Sprout as Professor of Herbology. Luna Lovegood will be joining the staff as well as the new librarian. She has frequently been seen in the company of Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt, though both deny any sort of romantic relationship.
The timing of these births must add joy to excitement, as the new Werewolf Rights and Freedom Act (better known as the Howler Act for both its obvious werewolf call reference and the number of Howlers the Ministry receives on a daily basis) was passed into law Monday morning. The Weasley and Potter families have been the most vocal supporters of this landmark legislation, though many other families related to the Order of the Phoenix were also very involved in getting this decision to pass.
In other news, Elphias Doge passed away last Tuesday. His ashes were scattered around the grave of his longtime “friend” Albus Dumbledore, on the grounds of Hogwarts. Doge and Dumbledore were rumoured to have had an exceptionally close friendship, stretching back to their days at Hogwarts over a century ago.