
Oct 05, 2006 08:59

kyle complimented me on my, what i guess are journal writing skills, the other day, and now i'm horribly self-conscious about writing now(among being self-conscious about a number of other things). so we'll see if i can stay at his level.
i'm sitting in front of my computer, updating, at 9 in the morning. this never happens, because the only time i'm up this early is for work, and as many people will tell you, i tend to wait til the last moment to get up, shower, and run(quite literally) out the door. this morning though, is thursday, so i always get suckered into doing one of our deliveries at work. i won't get into the details, as it's terribly boring, but ya, i have to get up, and now i'm home, before i go BACK to work, to close. pretty much i get raped at work, and not in that good way, but rather without lube.
i went the whole day yesterday without talking to abigail, which in itself isn't much of a feat, being that she never really talks to me either. so i guess the way to put it would be, i didn't text her in hopes that she would magically stop ignoring the fuck out of me, for reasons only an 18 year old girl can have. luckily my brother and i watched a few episodes of Rome last night, and don't worry, Pompey gets killed in the show too.
really quickly, i need to comment on the mark foley scandal, mainly because i know that some of the people who read my journal back home are a tad conservative, and they always seem to get mad when i spout my "liberal lies."
now, it would be enough for mark foley to have molested little boys, or where it stands right now, have written them overly friendly messages. that's cool man, well, not cool, but that's enough to make me think about the sheer hypocrisy that republicans insist on acting on when they tell the democrats that they don't have any values. however, once you couple this with the fact that the leadership put this man in charge of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, it just gets silly. no need to bring up the fact that it now seems as though on several ocassions did someone tell the leadership about what the former congressman was doing and they did nothing about it. to top it all off though, and this is by far my most pleasing memory of this 109th Congress, is how the republicans are now attempting to blame this on the democrats. and i don't mean in that cute way like, "oh you silly liberals, with your fag marriages, you opened the door for this"(which i'm sure they'll also be trying) but rather in the way that the republicans are saying that the democrats have leaked this information for political gain. no, they did it because LITTLE BOYS WERE BEING MOLESTED. oh, plus matt drugdge, good old drudgie himself, is playing the david cross card, and claiming the little boys were asking for it, with their messages. i can only guess he's being silly and all that jazz, but if not, congrats to him.
oh oh oh, i almost forgot how sean hannity(how i loathe thee) brought up bill clinton and monica lewinsky, which i'm sure some of you are thinking "ya, what about that." well let's point out a couple key differences. umm, one, monica was a GIRL. two, monica was 22, which is about how old i am, and these pages were 14 to 16, which is about how old my sister is. ya, those scenarios are similar enough, let's continue saying what terrible people democrats are, except for the sheer fact that we don't fuck little boys...
i need to get in the shower and go off and make bagel magic.
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