Jun 14, 2009 19:33

Yes! Yes! Yes! I've finally completed my semester 2 exam! Woot! But I'm worried about my result though...sigh. I'm not sure how I've done. I don't know what to do if my results turn up like last time. Maybe I'll consider jumping down from UCSI 5th floor. LOL! Just kidding.

After spending one and a half months studying hard for my 8 papers fatigue is starting to catch up on me. I can't sleep well during exams because of anxiety, and also sleeping past 3 am, but sometimes I can sleep like a log and unable to get up though, lol. These inconsistent sleeping time make me get insomnia now. It's getting harder to fall asleep for me now.

Well, I've finally got 2 weeks holiday till Semester 3 starts, the final and hardest one. GULP! So now I'm gonna enjoy to the fullest. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'll update more often from now on, that is if I don't have any writer's block, hehe. I may be going for a vacation later, hehe.
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