My bath puff recently died and I've also recently learned to crochet so I thought, why not try and make one? I was having a bit of a hard time understanding some of the patterns available on the Internet so I used one as a basis and kind of improvised and I thought I'd share. I feel like this will be more durable than the plastic ones you can buy.
Crochet Bath Puff
1 - 42.5g / 1.5oz ball of Bernat Handicrafter Cotton
6mm / USA 10/J crochet hook
Round 1: Create a circle - I used a 'magic circle' (just search Google or YouTube if you don't understand the term). Add 15 single stitches in the centre of the circle. Chain 40 - this will form the hanger. Loop the chain (hanger) back to the beginning of the chain and add 1 single stitch to connect the hanger and with the ring.
Round 2: 6 single stitches in each of the 15 stitches
After the 2nd round I just kept going, adding 3 stitches per stitch until I finished the ball of yarn.
To finish off: make a chain stitch, and cut your yarn about 2-4" from the chain. Remove your hook and pull the yarn through the chain, pulling tightly to make it knot against the edge of your work.