How Super Junior Has Changed My Life

Oct 12, 2011 17:29

-First of all, I think there are so many things I cannot explain unless you are an ELF yourself. (And believe me I have tried, but Super Junior is just hard to understand. Period.)

-I am not just another crazy, obsessing, possessive fangirl who seemingly “owns” everyone; nor do I forbid everyone else from loving them. But when I do tell you something, please hear me out, because I’m not looking to simply obsess over them if I know you’re not a fan. I just want to share what I have learned from loving them, and I hope that you’ll be able to accept them too.

-They are unlike any other band (Kpop or not) that I know of. And no I’m not closed minded because they are not the only group I know or listen to. But together, they have been through more than you can even imagine.

-They may LOOK like another typical group of pretty faces just for show. But listen carefully, watch closely, and you’ll see that beyond their looks, is true, practiced talent. What really made me fall for them, is the moment when you see that beneath the talents and looks, they are truly so, so much more than that.

-Loving Super Junior…is not easy. It’s difficult and sometimes it hurts more than anything in the world. So why do we continue to stick with them despite the pain? Because when we say ‘Everlasting’, we really mean it. We’re not just friends; we’re family. And at the end of the day, isn’t that what family is all about? We love unconditionally; we stick together through joy and sorrow; for better or for worse; through celebration and adversity. With my Everlasting Family, I’ve never felt better.

-Super Junior taught me countless life lessons. To see the power of 13elieving, to love, to forgive, have courage, stay strong, and chase your dreams. Our greatest treasure of all? Friendship. Brotherhood. Oh, and because I’m an ELF, I believe (and seen living proof) that miracles in fact do exist.

-Never once have they failed to brighten my day when nothing else could make me smile. For whatever reason, my life in the past year has been especially rough. I am so grateful that I was able to turn to Super Junior, and they have gotten me through the toughest of times.

-They are a band that is not afraid to show emotion, and have virtually nothing to hide. So what if that embarrassing moment had happened? Doesn’t stop them from sharing it, and then laugh it off with everyone else. Super Junior gives without a second thought; loves without expecting anything in return.  They’re not afraid to be REAL.

-When an outsider looks at all the individual members, and then at the group, their multitude of personalities doesn’t seem like they should work. And honestly, everything shouldn’t fit. But it does; all of them come together in such a perfect harmony, in such beautiful synchronization that Super Junior would not be Super Junior if one element were to be missing.

-How many leaders do you know that have to watch over 14 (3 year old) boys (but is 5 years old himself)? :3

-Even though so many members are missing as of the moment, the rest of Super Junior (and ELFs) are determined to stay together through mind, heart, and soul. And as Siwon says: “You don’t have to be an ELF from the beginning, but you do have to be one until the end.” Ultimately, 13 + 2 + 1 = ONE. ♡

** And even though they may never know this, I’ll continue to keep their prom15e, to remain their loyal ELF … FOREVER.

elf, group: super junior, personal

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