May 25, 2003 19:58
Well, summer break is finally here. While I am glad to have a break from classes, it sucks because everyone goes away. Other things that suck, Bourbon Street Drag Queen Prostitutes, Algea-Eaters, and my job. The people I work with are so fake it makes me sick. Most of the customers are so demanding and self-ish and me,me,me give me this, drop what you are doing & help me now RUDE! But other than that life is a bowl of peaches. If I wasn't so broke, I would try to put in some volunteer hours for field experience, but I needs the $$$ so I guess I'll just have to deal with everyone's bitchy-ness. My mom still asks me why I don't go take my summer classes there - ha! I'm catching up on my leisure reading with my extra free time, but of course still managing to put things that need to be done off a little longer one day at a time. I'm kinda aggravated cause I'm still in limbo over whether I will be able to graduate in December or not. I went to campus a few days ago but none of the people I needed to talk to were there. Grrr, red tape!
I wanna get out of this city!!! But not that I'm sure of where I want to go either. Even just a little vacation would be nice, but I can't afford anything. Hopefully before the summer is over though I could make a little get away.
Quote of the Day: " 'Welcome to the real world,' she said to me -condescendingly."