I don't know whatcha heard about me... I'm a motherfuckin P-I-M-P.

Sep 02, 2003 03:14

So right. Steve didn't show up at the football game. *roar* I called him later on that night, though, to see if he wanted to come hang with the counselor types. Got a call back around 2am. Right off the bat, first thing out of his mouth, he says "Are you mad that I didn't call you?" I was thrown off, especially since I was rather drunk. I just responded "Mad? No. Not mad." Then he proceeded to tell me he was just gonna go home cause his mom was there and that he'd be busy pretty much all weekend but Monday. I don't really recall what was said at the end of the conversation. I remember telling him I worked Monday. So I decided I'd call him today. Left a message cause KB and I had dinner in his part of town... No call back as of yet. Bwah.

Well. no sweat, really, cause I picked up a guy Saturday night. We went up to Mt. Adams cause I had a friend in town from PA/NJ. She used to live in the Nasty and we were friends in HS even though we didn't go to HS together.

Well said chick and I go with my group of friends up to Crowley's, where we run into some guys SHE went to HS with. They beg us to go to the next bar with them, so we leave my friends (who drove us there, coincidentally) and go to Yesterdays with these boys. We're having a fab time, we're like celebrities to them. It's hilarious. They tried to pay us to make out. I think she would've done it if they offered her a bit more money. *laughs* I was ready to do it for $5. I'm broke, remember?

Anywho... we end up going dancing. Someone in their group paid all our covers, which was SWEEEEET. I didn't buy any drinks after the first round I bought the gang at Crowley's either. :D So needless to say, im fucking wasted. So this guy, Joe, who apparently had taken her to her fall formal her freshman year (hahaha) and I start talking. We hit it off pretty well and somehow get separated from her... Mind you, I have to figure out how to find HER and get back with my friends before they leave.

Well, he and I went to find her, and were unsuccessful. So he decided he was gonna walk us back to his place. Ooookay. I see what's going on here. But I'm drunk, and not caring. We stopped at this overlook with a rockin view of the city and made out on the ledge for a while. I think I'll go into detail about this later. For now let me just mention that I stayed at his place... he drove me back to my car in the morning. I definitely think this one will call. He seems totally into me. Not sure how I feel about him though.

Definitely hoping sexy steve calls tomorrow. My luck, i'll never hear from him again. =/
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