Jan 31, 2010 23:06
I can't believe that its the end of January already. It seems like 2010 just started, and now we are a month in. Its been an okay month though. My full time job sucks, its emotionally draining, and I am constantly treated like less of a person, from what it seems, because I am a little white girl, rather than an all knowing asian. Im not trying to be racist whatsoever, but if you had met my boss, and see the way she speaks to me, you would think twice. I work my ass of constantly, going above and beyond my job description, and yet, its not even mildly appreciated, and its so frustrating, especially on a daily basis. I get that most places that you will work, will suck. Believe me, I understand that. But its so trying, to do all that I do, everyday, to get no recognition.
On the other hand, the boyfriend and I are working on moving out together. Its something that has been talked about and in the works for a few months now, but things seem to be coming to fruition as of late. We have purchased all the essentials, and started looking at places. We found one that we really liked the sounds of, and hopefully it works out, but we're trying not to rush anything. Just because you have something good going, doesnt mean you have to fast forward through all the nice things in life, or relationships. You may be happy, but that doesnt mean that you should do things before the right time, just because you want to ensure that the relationship will stay.
It boggles my mind when I see some people getting pregnant, or engaged etc, before the right time for them, just because they want to make sure their partners will stay, or because they think that they have to, just because things are going well. I'll be honest, I felt the same way in the beginning of my relationship with Wade, but he has helped me realize, that you can just be happy with someone, without forcing the next stages before their time.
I am lucky to have someone like him in my life, not only because he is a great boyfriend, but because he is a great person, who has really made me feel okay about being myself. He sees the real me and accepts it, without judgment or wanting to change me. He likes how expressive I am, how passionate I get, and how crazy I can get sometimes. He is one of the best people I have ever met, and Im really glad to have a loving situation like that in my life.
Well, thats about it for me I guess, for tonight :)