a new Sapphire and Steel tale

Feb 16, 2014 14:27

Title: Caught in the Moment
Author: Spikesgirl58
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2805

Written for Element Flash - February Prompt - Sleepy Hollow

My thanks to Kittenmommy for a brilliant prompt and to Spaky955 for the beta. Link takes you to AO3

A taste:

The covered bridge was just ahead and on the other side, sanctuary, real sanctuary in the form of a church. Even now she could see the white steeple, rising like clasped hands towards Heaven. The thought filled her with warmth. She was so close now that she could hear the gurgle of the river as it raced over the stones, still running high from this past weekend’s storm.

She doubled her step, anxious to get out of the cold and mist of the eve and to the beckoning of the church and her family. Her mind started to pick through the bits of a hymn she’d heard earlier in the day. She wanted to ask Reverend McKay if he knew it. She hummed it to, trying out bits of words as she did. It seemed so… familiar. Thus cheered she hurried on, not hearing the hoof beats until they were quite close.

She spun and screamed and died.


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