Fic: Indissoluble

Sep 21, 2012 17:09

Title: Indissoluble
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 800
Characters/Pairings: Silver, Steel
Warnings None.
Summary: There’s been a wedding of sorts and tears - and now Sapphire is missing. (Prompt #99: silver & steel - Crying & Accidental marriage)


She’s making things worse. Steel glanced at the woman sitting on the altar steps. His distaste was evident in his tone. Crying.

Silver was crawling along the floor of a pew and at that, poked his head round the end to look at Steel and the human. She’s a nuisance, I agree.

More than that. It’s using the emotion to hold on here, even after we put an end to the ritual.

Yes. Silver’s amusement stole into his thoughts. We weren’t ideal wedding guests. If it had been a real ceremony…

Steel frowned at him and his irrelevancies. “Make her stop.”

Me? Silver’s expression changed to one of surprised annoyance. I’m busy. Anyway, Steel, she’s crying because of the wedding. Even I can’t dissolve a marriage, unwanted or otherwise. We weren’t quite quick enough, were we? Not from their point of view.

Steel glared at him. Silver.

Silver scowled in return, but then slid out into the aisle and bounced back onto his feet. His expression cleared as he approached the woman and, with a pause as if for permission, sat down beside her. She looked over at him in surprise, and he passed her a handkerchief.

“I’m sure it wasn’t… official,” said Silver, and smiled, leaning in towards her. “Or legal - that’s the word, isn’t it? It can’t be, not in the circumstances.”

“I don’t understand,” she said, sniffing. “I left for work, the same as usual - and then - then I came here - and this - and I don’t even know why.”

“Time used you. It drew you here,” said Steel, turning aside briefly from where he was searching along another pew, knocking aside first a hassock, and then a pile of hymnals and bibles.

“To recreate a particular incident,” said Silver, patting the woman’s arm. “You walked past at the wrong moment - or precisely the right moment, I suppose.”

“But now I’m - I’m married!”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re not,” Silver said, waving a hand airily. “The vicar seemed very confused. And your - ah - your husband isn’t even here. I don’t think it counts if the groom runs away that quickly. And the witnesses weren’t technically real - or at least, not in any sense that you would understand.”

He should have run away sooner. It would have been more useful.

Well, yes, Steel. But at least we don’t have two agitated humans to deal with.

The priest.

True. Then at least we don’t have three agitated humans to deal with...

“I’m engaged to someone else!”

“Oh, yes. I see,” said Silver. “Congratulations?” He raised his eyes to the heavens, which were helpfully painted on the ceiling high above him.

She moved to glare at him. “How am I supposed to explain any of this? I don’t understand; I don’t know who you are and I’m -”

Steel marched over. “Getting hysterical. Stop it. It isn’t helping.” He turned his head towards the technician and silently added: Silver. I said stop her.

I was about to!

Silver edged in closer to the woman, regaining her attention by the movement. He put a hand to her shoulder. “His manners may need some work, but Steel is right. Tears and anger won’t help. But I can.”

“You?” she said, blinking back tears.

Silver shrugged. “I said. It can’t possibly have been official. There are a lot of unnecessary pieces of paper you seem to attach to these things. I’ll… talk to the vicar for you.”

Steel turned. Go on, then, Silver. Whatever it is you have in mind. We need to finish this and she’s in the way.

Then we’ll find Sapphire?


Silver walked over to the vestry and reappeared inside it without making use of the door. The vicar had the marriage register in his hands, staring at it blankly, but he paused to look at Silver, as if he hoped the visitor had an answer to the unspoken questions running through his mind.

Silver smiled brightly and took the book. “Thank you,” he said and vanished again. He arrived back on the steps, the book open in front of him, and turned to the last entry. As he did so, the words written in it welled up into pools of ink before drying into dark powder, which Silver shook away.

“There,” said Silver and grinned widely. He couldn’t resist a mischievous glance at Steel. “It seems I can dissolve a marriage after all.”

The woman leant over. “That’s it -?”

“Yes, and now you can go, can’t you?” said Silver. “I would, otherwise Steel here might… well… insist.”

Steel moved over as the woman hurried away in confusion, and then he sat beside Silver. Now Sapphire.

Yes. Silver leant towards Steel and risked putting a hand on his arm. Don’t worry, Steel. You’ll find her, and I’ll bring her back.


silver, steel, fanfic, fan fiction

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