Fic: Scientific Spirit (or Five Times Liz Shaw Met Silver) (DW/S&S)

Jun 18, 2012 12:57

Title: Scientific Spirit (or Five Times Liz Shaw Met Silver)
Author: lost_spook
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 7300
Characters/Pairings: Liz Shaw/Silver
Notes/Warnings: Mild/telepathic/ambiguous/implied [human/Element] shippage, hurt/comfort, major character death. No spoilers for either series. (The pairing came from a random icon meme a while back, and I'm not the only one had a go at writing it, so if you've seen the other: no, it's not a coincidence, no, you're not going mad, and yes, that one was better - and shorter.)

Summary: The problem is that Liz Shaw always likes to try and understand a mystery…

Link to story here

And on another note, I can't seem to makes posts here with links to the AO3 anymore, not without the post vanishing into a queue, and I know it's happened to other people. I've linked to my LJ 'announcement' post for this, and last time I used element_flash instead, but is there anyone around who has any modding ability for this comm, or can contact someone who does, because it's probably at least some other external links as well & it's going to get annoying. It's probably due to LJ changes, because it was fine a few months ago.

(Not, of course, that disappearing into a queue forever isn't an appropriate thing for a Sapphire & Steel post...)

crossover, silver, fanfic, fan fiction

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