Saying hello, and bringing fic

Apr 23, 2012 16:22

Hello everyone. I'm delighted to have discovered this comm, I don't know why it didn't occur to me ages ago to see if there was S&S fandom on LJ. I tend to come back to this wonderful show every few years, having first discovered it when a friend recommended I watch it in the days when if you didn't see it on broadcast, you were never going to see it again! Unfortunately, I started with Assignment 6 - oops - and that was my lot for many long years. I was always intrigued by what I'd seen, but it's amazing to remember now how incredibly difficult it was to find out anything about a show that was off the air in those distant pre-Internet days.

Eventually, they invented DVDs and they invented the Internet and I was finally able to see the rest of the show and connect with other fans. My last great wave of enthusiasm happened just before Internet comms like this one had really taken off, so although I wrote some fic, it wasn't as easy as it is now to find a forum for it online unless you were prepared to set up your own web site. It was then that I wrote this substantial but as yet incomplete story, but never posted it anywhere.

Having been reminded recently of how uniquely wonderful S&S is when I finally got round to watching the DVD set I bought a couple of years ago, I remembered this story and thought this comm might enjoy it. Hopefully it will encourage me to finish it!

AUTHOR: viala_qilarre
CHARACTERS: Sapphire, Steel, Jet
PAIRINGS: Steel/Jet, Sapphire/Steel UST, implied Sapphire/Silver, implied Silver/Copper
WARNING: Some gory bits, some obstetric TMI, a couple of suggestive moments but no pron
LENGTH: Humungous. 16,000 words so far and I think it's about 2/3rds complete

sapphire, steel, fan fiction

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