Series Vid (more or less)

Nov 07, 2011 12:47

So, not to be overly hasty in postings, but here's another vid. (It was kind of a leftover side project that I decided needed to be made.)

One Clear Call (vid is on YouTube ( Read more... )

silver, vids, sapphire, steel

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Comments 5

elmey November 7 2011, 14:52:32 UTC
Nicely done! You've definitely captured the eeriness of the elements, as well as their sense of otherness. I like the song.


fog_shadow November 9 2011, 16:00:28 UTC
Thanks! Otherness and eeriness were definitely what I was going for in this.


lost_spook November 7 2011, 16:28:13 UTC
Oh, that's lvely! I like the way you've used all the clips to convey the distance of looking in/out at things and also picking up on odd things, like Steel leaving things out for Silver. It's great. :-)


fog_shadow November 9 2011, 16:05:23 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, I'd discovered a lot of looking in/out at things when I was making the previous vid and thought that that would be a fun visual motif to work with somehow. And that turned into an exploration of how they look at things in their own element-y way.


lost_spook November 12 2011, 20:07:50 UTC
And it works that way, very much so. I like it; it's sort of deceptively simple. And I may have had to keep rewatching it a bit, yes. :-)


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