001. Freefall

Feb 09, 2008 12:04


EeTeuk’s eyes shot open with a jolt when he felt himself cradled in someone’s arms.

EeTeuk looked up to see who the person who had caught him was. But EeTeuk already knew who it was just by the feel of the bulkiness in the arms.

It was KangIn.

KangIn placed EeTeuk in bed having him sit up, “Hyung, what’s wrong?” he asked as he wiped away the tears.

“YoungWoon-ah…” EeTeuk said softly as he was slowly recognizing his surroundings.

KangIn nodded as in to say ‘yes that’s me’ as soon as he finished nodding he started talking, “I came over to wake you up. When I came in I saw you twisting around in your bed sheets and were crying out ‘It’s not true’ and ‘no’. I was about to wake you up but then all of a sudden you fell off the bed and I caught you in time before you hit the floor… Did you have a nightmare?”

EeTeuk looked at the younger man, not knowing how to express the words of his nightmare, “I…I was…”

Before anything else can be said EeTeuk’s tears were flowing once more. KangIn pulled EeTeuk into a hug, “Its alright, I’m here…”

EeTeuk cried silently as he buried his face in KangIn’s chest and wrapped his arms around KangIn’s waist. EeTeuk felt comfort in the younger man’s arms. It had a soft, warm, and loving feeling to it.

“I was… I was in a horrible place.” EeTeuk said after a couple minutes of silence, “It was… dark… The words that our antis have said to us pieced my skin heart, and ears… It hurt so much…”

KangIn patted EeTeuk’s back softly and slowly to sooth him as he talked. He reinsured EeTeuk that he was there and ready to listen to the rest of the dream.

“Just then I felt myself falling… I felt like I was plummeting to my death but after a few seconds… I felt… sort of… well, sort of safe… when I fell… Kind of like… all the problems kind of melted away… I fell slowly… it felt some what like a freefall. And when I woke up… I found myself in your arms.”

KangIn pulled away from EeTeuk but not enough to make EeTeuk’s hands come away from his waist, “It’s because of my strength, love for you. It was conveyed to you when I touched you. Because when I caught you, you were still struggling but after a few seconds you stopped and woke up.”

KangIn pulled EeTeuk in for another hug. KangIn shifted a little and wiped away the residue of the remaining tears. After clearing his hyung’s face of tears he placed his hands on EeTeuk’s cheeks pulling his face in for a soft kiss on the lips.

Pulling away slowly he said in a whisper “I’ll always be here for you to catch you when you fall be it fall, or freefall. I’ll always be here for you."

leeteuk, super junior, 100 super junior fanfic challange, kangin, pairing: kangin x leeteuk

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