063. Video Games

Aug 24, 2008 11:32

Today was a resting day for the Super Junior members, to be more specific, it was the Super Junior Happy members that were getting a rest.

In the living room only two members were there at the moment. It was Yesung and Eunhyuk they were playing video games to pass the day by.


“Huh?” Yesung answered looking at the younger man, “What is it?”

“Nothing really I just have a question.” Eunhyuk said not looking at Yesung he continued to watch the TV screen.

“What is it?” Yesung asked.

“I was just wondering…” Eunhyuk said slowly as if he didn’t know exactly what he was going to say.

“Yeah… and?” Yesung said to make Eunhyuk continue talking because it looked like he wasn’t going to start talking again.

“Well… I was wondering… if you ever feel…” Eunhyuk said dragging out almost every word, “sad… that you never get as much screen time… as some of the rest of us?”

Yesung nodded his head once in understanding the question, “Ah, so that was your question.” Yesung laughed, “You could have just asked me right out.”

“Well I thought the topic might be sensitive to you.” Eunhyuk said looking on the ground.

“It’s not that sensitive.” Yesung said.

“Seeing as how the other members are getting more known than you… Don’t you find that kinda…” Eunhyuk said without finishing his sentence because it seemed like he didn’t know how to end it.

“Intimidating? Depressed? Sad?” Yesung said trying to supplying the last word.

“Well… yeah.” Eunhyuk said nodding.

“Well I do feel that way. I feel that the reason why I’m not known as much is because I don’t get any screen time. Mainly it’s partly my fault that I’m what I am today. If I had made a face for myself when we debuted then I would have been known more than I am now.”

Eunhyuk nodded slowly as Yesung was talking.

“But I’m changing that now.” Yesung said, “I’m starting to get more known now and I’m starting to go out on more shows now too.”

Eunhyuk nodded again.

“But…” Yesung said looking at the younger man, “Why did you ask this all of a sudden?”

“It’s your birthday today.” Eunhyuk said.

“Just because it’s my birthday it doesn’t mean that you have to ask that kind of question.” Yesung said.

“It’s because I wanted to know what you’re feeling. I just wondered if you feel sad normally because I want to know how I can be a better dongseang and I want to protect hyung from pain.”

Yesung smiled and put his arm around Eunhyuk’s shoulder to pull him in for a hug. “It’s alright.” Yesung said, “I’m fine.”

Yesung brought his arm away from Eunhyuk and looked at the TV screen. “Wanna go for another round?”

(I just realized how tiny this fiction is. T_T I wish I did better (especially seeing as how it’s a birthday fic for Yesung .< Stupid work… Oh well anything having to do with our Yesung is worth it.)

(Our Yesung’s birthday is today~ Over in America of course. In Korea he turned 25 yesterday. Over here he turns 24 today. Well. He’s growing older but he still looks so young. Because his birthday is today it reminds me of our age gap and how my obsession with him is kinda illegal. xD Oh well. Yesung I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I hope that you stay safe. I hope you will be healthy for the rest of the year and forever more. I will always support you~! I love you~~ Yesung fighting! And happy birthday!)

eunhyuk, super junior, 100 super junior fanfic challange, pairing: yesung x eunhyuk, yesung

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