Big Bang - Haru Haru

Aug 07, 2008 21:57

Hello alls~ Its me Melodi again. I’m here with a MV review. I’ve done a whole bunch with Super Junior’s MVs but I didn’t post them on LJ. I’ve decided that the first one I post up on my LJ is BIG BANG~! YAY~ I’m love them to death. They are my second favorite band after Super Junior. This is Big Bang’s Haru Haru MV. Their newest MV.

Big Bang - Haru Haru MV

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Video credit to: CJWEntertainment @ youtube Big Bang - Haru Haru
Song Rating: 5/5
MV Rating: 5/5
My Overall Rating: 6/5

HOMIEGOSH~! ITS OUT! I’ve been so anticipating this MV. I heard all sorts of things happened during this MV. Like G-Dragon getting hurt.

Okay let’s talk about the song first. The song is just amazing. I love how catchy it is. Its just as catchy as Lies. I am totally loving the song. The rap fits in so well. TOP’s and G-Dragon’s rapping is just perfect. The rest of the members singing is just wonderful too. I am so in love with the song. <333 I must purchase the mini-album! Their acting is just so wonderful!

Now comes the commentary on the acting in the MV. It starts off with TOP and the female lead. I think the female lead is really pretty I her name is Park Min Young. G-Dragon finds her taking off her ring (which G-Dragon has given to her) and gives it too TOP. G-Dragon rushes over to TOP and then next comes shoving and pushing. And the punching starts too. The other members (Daesung, Taeyang, and Seungri) try to stop the both from fighting. They looked just HOT! I really feel sad for saying that but I can’t help it since they look so good! Their acting is just too wonderful. HOMIEGOSH~~!!! They’re wearing mascara BUT they make it work. I totally love this new look that they’re sprouting. It’s just too beautiful to look at. I love how they are lipsyncing to the song when they’re acting out in the MV. The fight was way intense but homiegosh such good acting! G-Dragon is just amazing when it comes to this. My heart breaks every time I see G-Dragon give that painful and sad look though. G-Dragon is so broken hearted and he breaks the mirror that he’s looking at. While he’s singing into the mirror it just pulls me into sadness when I see him like that. I really feel hurt watching him in sadness like that. TOP is in the car with the female lead. And G-Dragon sees them together he rushes over to their car and he gets out of control and back home he is flipping over tables and throwing vases and pillows across the room. Which is how G-Dragon gets injured in real life but he still urges to continue filming despite his injury. Seeing him like that just hurts my heart. It turns out that the girl he’s in love with has leukemia so that is the reason why she’s being like this to G-Dragon. He finds out that she’s going to die through Taeyang. When he gets there he is stopped by TOP. TOP takes G-Dragon’s hand and places the ring that TOP was given to by the girl in the beginning and he says, “I’m sorry for lying… Min Young loved you a lot...” G-Dragon realizes that everything was a lie so that she would make him hate her so that when she leaves he wouldn’t be heart broken… But he does get hurt in the end.

I’m so in love with this MV. Their acting is just so amazing to watch.
I just have one complaint…. Why isn’t G-Dragon in a drama yet?! He needs to get himself into a drama and fast.

This MV made me fall in love with Big Bang all over again.

mv review

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