Oct 13, 2006 12:42
So it's been a short week, by day standards. As in; monday was a holiday so only 4 days of work, right? Yeah, not so much. 36 hours and 3 days later I'm really looking forward to FullSail next year, that nebulous time-frame that keeps shifting with financial demands.
On that note; I found out I owe Phoenix $1700 within the next, oh, 28 days. Yeah. I net about $2200 a month, so you can see how this might be a slight problem. My car insurance, gas, and credit card bills alone make up about $400 a month, leaving me about $25 a week for food. Yay. Sorry TS1, it looks like the auto-deposit is going to be held off for about another month X(
On a more positive note, I've had several people comment that I appear to be slimming down since I began Krav Maga, so happiness there. I think things are progressing well with Moon. That whole work thing gets in the way so not as easy to tell as one might think.
I'm once again working on a Robotech RPG that does NOT suck (a la Palladium's busted-ass system). I'm using EABA (do a search on OpenRPG or DriveThruRPG, or just hit www.brtc.net). It's a d6 system that blends realism and actual science without being rigid with it. Things are generalized and the term 'close enough' is used liberally. So far it's progressing fairly well. I'll try to keep a log here with the specifics (such as mecha designs, etc).