Oct 19, 2004 22:33
First bike: For my 7th b-day I got a bike with pretty streamers.
First best friend(s): Katy Watkins, we met in church when we were like 3.
First real memory of something: That's kinda hard. The youngest age I really remember anything is like 6 yrs old. I remember waking up getting sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. I was in there for about a week.
First car: 1998 Plymouth Neon
First date: First ACTUAL date was with Chris Reaves, but he doesn't like to acknowledge we ever dated evidently... :(
First kiss: Jon McKenzie when I was like 12. He was like 16 or 17.
First break-up: Danny Loveless in the 5th grade. lol... we went out for like 3 days or something...
First job: Cibo's when I was 16.
First screen name: This is so embarrassing... it was "babywipe"... I was at a friend's house helping her babysit and it was the only thing I could think of...
First self purchased album: omg... that was a long time ago... I think it was like Nirvana or Hole...
First funeral: My Papaw like three months ago...
First pet: a cat named Pepper I think... I was really young, but I would sleep with that cat every night. my mom has pictures... they're cute..
First piercing/tattoo: Ear when I was like 6 or 7. Tongue when I was 18.
First independent home: An apartment with Josh...
First house/flat/apartment: see above
First credit card: Capital One, still paying the f-ers...
First love: Chris Reaves, although I wasn't his... can you tell I'm a little hurt...
First enemy: Jayme Siewert when I was like 4. She wasn't really an enemy, but she would ALWAYS ruin my b-day parties... for some reason always still invited her...
First big trip: Boston, New York City, and Philly
First play/musical/performance: well, I was in several... the first elementary one was some silly christmas play, but I was freaking great in it... lol... in high school, it was GET SMART. I LOVED that play...
First musician you remember hearing in your house: umm... Garth Brooks...
last good cry: GOOD cry? one night a couple weeks ago on my way home from Madisonville I was crying, because I am realizing how great my life is turning out and how happy KC makes me..
last library book checked out: the Phil McGraw book on weight management... what's it called? I own it now... but I still haven't read it...
last movie seen: Raising Helen... cute movie
last book read: The Purpose-Driven Life
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: Sobe Berry
food consumed: a cheeseburger
last crush: KC Hibbs
last kiss: KC
last phone call: Elissa Payne
last tv show watched: Dawson's Creek (I just finished the 4th season)
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: brown boots
last cd played: a Christian cd of mine with various artists...
last item bought: besides my dinner, it was some clothes from American Eagle
last downloaded: it's been too long...
last annoyance: this lady driving like 20 mph on HWY41 where they're doing all kinds of construction so I couldn't pass her... grr...
last disappointment: a friend of mine settling for the easy path rather than doing what is right...
last soda drank: Sprite
last word written: Pugh... I doodle my name over and over when I'm waiting for webpages to load... damn dial up...
last key used: car key
last words spoken: "Have a good night" to a guy as I was leaving work...
last sleep: last night
last im: No one is online...
last weird encounter: a certain walk down memory lane...
last ice cream eaten: it's been a while... but I think I might go get some now... yum...
last time amused: in lab today.... it's amusing to watch people try to fit all the bones together the right way... some people had femurs and were trying to attach arm parts to them (the humerous)... weirdos...
last time wanting to die: back when I used to be SUPER depressed in a bad relationship... but I'm all better now...
last time in love: now...
last time hugged: kind of funny, but it was my ex... he having a bad day, so I hugged him... no harm done...
last chair sat in: umm... most people sit while on the computer...
last lipstick used: lip gloss actually... strawberry flavored... yum...
last shirt worn: my AE shirt that says "Love is where you find it. I'll be here all night."
last time dancing: At Elissa's... I'm always dancing with Aussie and JC..
last webpage visited: www.livejournal.com