CoT_InTheLight is a new moderated community for posting reviews of Children of Time (CoT) nominees and other creative works in the Whovian fandoms. During CoT voting periods, only reviews of CoT nominees (art and vids as well as fic) will be accepted. Reviews of other works are welcome during the rest of the year.
To post reviews at
CoT_InTheLight, you do not need to affiliate with any particular group of people or commit to reviewing any particular number of stories or type of fic. You can post as few or as many reviews as you like, whenever it's convenient for you to do so. Nor do you need to share the moderator's opinions about what makes good fiction (or art or vids). However, you do need to be able to
evaluate works on the basis of their literary or artistic merit alone and not on your feelings about their creator,back your opinions up with substantive reasons ("I love this story!" is not a review), andexpress yourself coherently, politely, and grammatically.All posts will be screened before approval to ensure the quality of the reviews.
Umm, aren't there enough review comms already?
CoT_afterdark has excellent reviews but a very narrow focus, and
CoT_Reviews and
CoT_Tossed, if the latter sticks around, both have methods and philosophies I disagree with. I'll reluctantly accept that peer reviews are one of the few areas where anonymity might have value, but it still makes me twitch. Twitch badly. It's also important to me, given the number of people in fandom with health issues, to allow people to participate productively in bite-size chunks, rather than exiling them to lurkerdom because they can't commit to a project with assigned deadlines or energy costs.
What about
It looks like
CoTcritiques and I have very similar ideas. Since that comm was created first, I did consider shelving my plans and submitting reviews there instead. But I couldn't quite get over my allergy to socks. Since our methods and modes are different, I ultimately decided there was no harm in letting them run side by side for a while and letting time determine which method works best.
The success of any moderated community depends largely on the moderator, and most of you don't know me from Adam. So who am I? You can find out