Getting Ready for Baby

May 29, 2008 21:02

Does anyone read this anymore? I know at least one of you do, and one has been off-line for a while...well anyway, here's another post to the wild blue yonder...

I can't believe it's the end of May already. Sheesh it seems like it was just Christmas and now the year is almost half over. Everything seems to be going really fast these days. I remember the day we found out we were pregnant and now we are almost 7 months!
So far we have managed to get the nursery set up with furniture and a few minor decorations. We have a couple of small outfits, lots of blankets and a few toys/books/cd's/dvd's, but none of the other major stuff like bottles and diapers lol. We're waiting to find out what we get at the baby shower next month before we buy anything else. Of course we could always use more clothes and diapers and things,but not knowing if it's boy or girl it's getting pretty complicated to pick out what we want. We are going for a 3D ultrasound on Saturday and hoping that they will be able to see more than we've seen so far. Really looking forward to that!!!

Other than cleaning house and trying to get things in order for August, and of course hubby going in to work a lot and I often go with him, there's not been too much other excitement around here. Hubby got a new gas grill for his birthday and we've been enjoying using that. It sure helps keep the heat out of the kitchen and that keeps me sane since I'm practically burning up all the time now. I do NOT recommend being prego in the summer LOL!

That's all for now, gonna get back to writing. Hope everyone is having a good summer so far.
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