you've got you've got to remember the love

Oct 20, 2006 00:33

so today. 
I didn't go to any classes... granted, I only had one, but it felt empowering to skip it
so I slept until 1130 and then sat around and cleaned and did some work, including my film critique that isnt due until monday so i dont have to worry about it this weekend
I was so proud because it just flowed out and I think it's pretty good. I really like writing about films, its fun and I like it, even though the film was a little dumb, I didn't mind it. 
I love my roomates, I really do. I think it's awesome that we're getting so close and I feel like I can talk about stuff with them and not worry about who they might tell or whatnot... you know, stupid high school anxieties. it's nice to think of them as friends and not just roomates anymore. I act stupid and they don't care... they just mock me and move on, much like my friends do. it's a nice, comforting feeling. 
I'm really loving it here. I really, truly am. Today made me love life and realize that all is well up here at the 'cott. there's really no neeeeeeed to fret. 
this weekend is going to be sick
tomorrow... or later today I guess you could say... im going to boston to see five times august for free at after hours at northeastern. 
shana was supposed to go with me, but now shes sick and she went home and here mom is pumped to have her for the weekend so she's gone :( :( :( so I'm going with john and probably allison and then john and i are going to go... somewhere... and pick up guys together. I love and miss that boy so much I'm so pumped to see him 
I'm really going to miss seeing shay though :( 
and then I'm coming back saturday morningish with kara so that I can come home and prob nap and shower... and then the roomies and I are all going to kim's house for a home-cooked meal and a lounge in the jacuzzi and then we're sleeping over and coming back sunday
it's going to be super fun, im pumped.

la la la. the lights are out and everyone is asleep but im not really tired. 
updating always makes me tired, so ill probably go to sleep after this
but if im not tired, I'll think to much
and then I'll end up typing furiously in a word document at one in the morning like I did last night... under my comforter. 
I think and analyze and worry too much and then I like freak out while I'm lying in bed. if I don't write them down, I'd be up all night
but last night, it didn't work too well... I still had to listen to music before I fell asleep
so weird how my mind works sometimes 
im sucha weirdo
okay, I'm done
goodnight kiddos. 
sorry to bore you

five hundred
twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes
five hundred
twenty-five thousand
journeys to plan
five hundred
twenty-five thousand
six hundred minutes
how do you measure the life of a woman or man?

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