In which Our Hero discusses the local amateur orchestral music scene

Jun 12, 2006 21:04

So, I've more-or-less joined a local amateur orchestra called the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (generally known as Metso).

Bucking the trend of amateur orchestras everywhere, at the last rehearsal we had eight (8) violas, and four (4) double basses! Incredible. EMS orchestra eat your heart out! On the other hand, we only had 3 cellists. Mysterious indeed.

Actually the sound of the group is excellent. I imagine it's partly the excellent acoustic of the rehearsal hall, which is a dedicated auditorium of modern design rather than a Civil Engineering Design workroom (or gym, or Wilson Hall, etc) and partly I think the group is just a bit more skilled and dedicated than the EMS orchestra. The large & very competent string section makes a difference, and the brass & woodwind section sounds very good too.

We're playing Dvorak's New World Symphony & Czech Suite, the Blue Danube (on orange paper in my case, heh), and a viola solo piece by Weber of which I forget the name. My perception of the orchestra may be somewhat coloured by the fact that I've played the New World Symphony at least two times before, perhaps 3 or 4, and I can now actually play most of it quite well! In fact, I think the last rehearsal may well be the best I've ever played it, and there's still three weeks of rehearsal before the concert. This familiarity means that I can spend more time listening to the music, which remains fantastic, of course, and it's always more fun when you can play straight through the fast bits without fumbling rather than scrambling madly to keep up. It might also be that the music is slightly easier than the last few "big pieces" the EMS orchestra has attempted recently... (Mahler, I'm looking at you!)

My desk partner in the violas is a dear old lady. I think she said she was 88 - been playing for over 45 years. Recently had her driver's licence renewed for another year too... by a "very nice German gentleman", apparently!


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