It's interesting how everyone you come in contact with can teach you something. It doesn't matter that the person might be older or younger than you by a few years or more than just a few. And certainly it is not always the same lessons... but the individuals that walk in and out of your life each day can leave footprints.. if you let them..
Daniel has been staying with us for the past two weeks. The little cutesy learns things sooo fast! One moment my brother was doing push-ups after his run - the next moment, he looked over to see the little fella on the floor opposite him, trying to imitate his movements! LOL. Coming home is always so welcoming.. once he sees us, he shouts out our names and proceeds to tell us the happenings of the day..
"Che Che HAM!" (that's his nick for me)
"Hello Daniel! What have you been doing the whole day?"
"Daniel fall DOWN..Daniel running running - run and then he - fore down!"
"Oh, is that right?"
The little face puckers up as he nods seriously.
"Let's build house!" He proceeds to suggest, most enthusiastically, tugging at my hand...and then my evening is gone...spent building memories with the little one..
Here he is, perched on a wooden log at Bintan...
And then another one of him trying to look cool... isn't he adorable?;) I couldn't resist taking some more shots of him last night, when he put on the huge headphones and tripped around the house in his white PJs, telling me about his "heleecoter"..
My little teacher reminds me to enjoy the moment.. not to be so worried about past or future, but to just relish the NOW before it slips past.. to delight in the little things of the day.. his stickerbook, his building blocks, and his storytelling of the "shark that bit jason korkor" (it was a jellyfish sting, just for the record:P)... To see the world anew through the eyes of a child! ANd then, to have him rest his head so trustingly on your shoulder when he is weary, to clasp his little arms around your neck and bestow a whole-hearted kiss on your cheek...It brings out all that is maternal in me. ;) He's going back home to KL this evening, but I will definitely miss him, and hopefully see him again soon in a few weeks!