Sep 04, 2009 03:10
Sometimes, I'm really proud to live in America. Sometimes, not so much. Now is one of those times. In November, Maine is going to be voting of whether to repeal the same sex marriage bill. Next, I suggest that they vote on whether women should be allowed to own property :3 But I digress. Honestly, I'm sick of people whining about their democratic rights being violated (especially when they cite that a majority of people are against same sex marriage). I hate to spoil the surprise for you, but AMERICA IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. Democracy is mob rule and the founding fathers PURPOSELY veered away from pure democracy. America is a republic. This means that smarter, more capable people lead the teeming (and generally stupid) masses. I'm sure that a majority of people back in the day weren't so hot on integration in the school systems. Well, wasn't that just too fucking bad, you can't deny people their rights because they make you uncomfortable.
I also finally got back into reading (and not just junk)! I'm reading "The Forever War," and it's absolutely brilliant x_x It's about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, written by a guy who was in both Afghanistan and Iraq for extensive periods of time. He got to interview Taliban members! And speak to tons of civilians and military personnel! Ahhh, lucky. x_x I wish I could get a job like that. Well...I now have a much more critical opinion of Iraq.