A belated happy birthday to
cecille! I hope you guys had a grand time last Friday, I was just up to my eyeballs in work.
I have also discovered the joys of WoW (World of Warcraft). On a particularly bad day at work, I woke up my friend, dragged him to Trinoma and bought the WoW Battlechest. Good move IMO, because it's a lot cheaper than therapy, that much I can say. My daily regiment now includes playing WoW when I get home from work until midnight, so I can get enough sleep to still be in a relatively good mood the next day.
Add to that the fact that a lot of my old guildmates are now there. Social network support! XD
Plus I love the fact that there are a lot of things to do. Someone already commented that I make the strangest druid because I have the sensibilities of a dwarf. =p