[The hour is late on the 30th. The moon strains against the barrier, the town is in chaos, and many of Luceti's residents have fled to seek shelter, but a solitary figure remains, unafraid. Arms akimbo, he stands atop the roof of Community House 1, staring defiantly through his
paper-bag mask at the moon.
Also, he's not wearing a shirt.
Once he starts shouting, those who know him might recognize Michael's voice- though he's putting on a vaguely Australian accent.]
Haha! I like your moxie, sir. It takes courage for a mere natural satellite to challenge Saxton Hale! I've been looking for a chance to tangle with a celestial body for a while now.
[Raising one fist to the sky, he shakes it defiantly.]
Bidwell has been telling me it's impossible, and our experiments in moon-destroying weapons have all ended in fire. [Boisterous laughter ensues, until he finally snaps back into his original pose.] Well have I got news for you chum! All of Mann Co.'s weapons research ends in fire! You moons' days of orbiting planets unassailed are numbered, but if you've got the guts to come down here and fight me mano-a-luna, we'll get the party started today!
[Michael puts his fists up, bouncing from one foot to the other like a bare-knuckle boxer. This continues for a solid minute or so, until he seems to get tired of waiting for the Moon to oblige and get within arm's reach.]
Oh, scared are you? Not so tough on this side of the barrier I bet!
[Retiring to a large armchair carefully placed to allow a clear view of the moon from it's place at one corner of the roof, Michael tents his fingers.]
I can't blame you for having second thoughts about challenging Saxton Hale however. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, I'll wait here while you gather the courage to challenge the man who is probably your childhood hero or something. Now if only Bidwell were here. I'm absolutely parched.