@>~ IchiRuki and IshiHime
Saw an entry from the ichiruki lj community some translations on the souls vibes book . . . so many texts there prove that Ichigo x Rukia is totally meant to be xD And also that Ishida cares loads for Orihime. The link is
HERE xD So lovely to read it xD Hehe. Makes me miss my IchiRuki fandom ^^;
@>~ Romeo x Juliet CD cover
Seems like a drama cd cover . . .
Lovely pic ^_^ AND MY EYES ARE ALL ON CIELO!!!! MWAHAHHAHA xD Okayz, I also love the poking Francisco xD Him and Curio are so adorable xD Hehehe. And Romeo and Tybalt back-to-back looks nice. Cordelia glomping Juliet looks cute. And Hermione's so . . .weird o_O . . . but damn, where's WILLY??? xD
@>~ Ghost Hound episode 9
Still no blog entry with spoilers available out there -_- but at least the raw's finally up *_*
Most of the stuff in this episode is COMEDY!!! Bwahahhaa!!!!! It really has something to do with the trio being in Casper-like bodies. Tarou turning into a dog would be like WHOA but after seeing that transformation from his casper version . . IT'S SUCH A JOKE xD Bwahahahha xD It's seriously LAME! Same goes to the missle shooting Masayuki!!! A missle from that tiny hand. So stupid xD Ahahahahha!!!!!
Man, I'm so annoyed with their Casper bodies. I hope they'll be like their real bodies when in spirit form. Things would definitely be cooler that way. Like what the manga has done!! Speaking of the manga, I wish to see more *_*
Oh well, back to the eppie . . . other interesting stuff in it:
Masayuki and Tarou are so freakin' adorable in that screenshot xD They're acting alike, with exact expression/tonation/action/timing xD I'm amused when characters act like that (explains the reason why I became addicted to the Hitachiins from Ouran xD). It's so fun to see the trio together again xD
But of course, the highlight for me in this episode is:
Tarou x Miyako!!!! Ohohohoho xD And they get to talk more here xD The one in the previos episode was pretty brief xD I dunno what the heck they're talking about, but I like it that they're slowly becoming close xD Hehe.
And what I loved most here is that Tarou BLUSHED! xD Blushed because of Miyako xD Ohohoho!!! I knew he had been looking at her. He had done the same in one of the previous episodes xD But this time he got caught, and he's blushing . . .how cute!!! xD I know it could be interpreted as that he jsut got embarassed because he got caught . . . but I prefer the idea that he blushed for staring at his crush xD Heehee.
Am excited to see the subs ^___^ Also lookin forward to the next episode xD Wheeee!
@>~ Striking Similarity of the Leading Guys of Baccano and Gurren-Lagann
Been hanging out at deviant Art lately. I was hunting for Baccano fan arts then I saw this:
O_______O holy . . .
Firo = Simon??? OMG xD
I am delighted . . .since Firo and Simon are my top favorites in both series xD
But from this pic I only realized that they do look similar. Starting with the hair. Their hairstyles are indeed so close xD Their ages are also close. And they are both cute xD Bwahehehe!!! Hahaha . . .wow . . .I am really . . .amused xD
@>~ Fan Art Progress
I know my drawing "skills" had not improved one bit but I don't care anymore xD I just miss drawing xD And from now on I'll just draw for fun, I don't care about the mistakes I will spot and won't even think of improving it. I'll just draw as I like xD Hehe.
Because of this sudden art nostalgia, I'm thinking of making a comeback at deviantArt . . .which I haven't updated for a LONG LONG time ^^; So for my first upload for my comeback, I thought of a fanart of my number one obsession of the year: Baccano! xD
I'm only done scannng them though x_x Not yet started in coloring ^^; but I'm giving you, my lj friends, a preview, hehe:
Yepz, the Baccano fanart will include my top 5 favorites in the series xD Ohohoho!
And as for the ones below . . . well, you see, I owe a lot of people a lot of fan arts ^^; They've been pending for months x_x So I have to work on them a.s.a.p. ^^; I started with
tsubameongaku's presents xD She asked for Euphie and Tomoyo . . .so the one in the middle will be colored soon xD I also made individual sketches of the two . . which are covered ^^; Haha! I did that to tease her for the suspense xD Wahehee. Yes, Michi, I'm torturing you xD Mwahahhaa!
Alright, that's all for tonight xD