I Heart Books: I am madly in love with INCARCERON~

Feb 12, 2010 14:15

I've told myself not to buy books for half a year at least because I bought something expensive just a couple of weeks ago. But just a few hours ago . . . what have I done...

But . . . I've been eyeing on it for a long time already....

It's called Mirrorscape and it's a fantasy story that had something to do with paintings. It also have the "other worlds" or "crossing dimensions" stuff, and the world of colors and the other of black & white thing. Damnit, I'm a sucker for that.

I'll check that out after I finish the book I'm currently reading.

That one is called Incarceron. I fell in love with it at first sight and got more intrigued when I read the plot. I bought it months ago, but only managed to read it recently. Damn, I regret it. Because right now I'm so addicted to it.

How could I not? The story is not only interesting but it also has a lot fo my type of fanservice xD There's the:
--> best friends love - they're almost complete opposites and they could be mean to each other but one is always there when the other's in need. Daaaw~
--> "brotherly" love - they treat each other as brothers, they call each other oathbrothers to be specific; one guy mentioned that one of them was like wanting to make the other his twin. so there goes my twin boys fanservice as well
--> star-crossed lovers...sort of - they were meant to be but the evil characters got in the way. on the state/position they're currently in, they can't be together.
- childhood sweethearts - it was love since childhood. she knows she likes him but the boy is not aware of his obviousness. Haha!
--> saintly prince maltreated - it makes me cry that such a nice and lovable prince was made to suffer like that.
--> strong leading lady - well, she's isn't exactly a lady with super strength. But she can protect herself (she does fencing after all), and she doesn't let herself get fooled easily (like when someone encouraged her to betray the queen, whom she hates anyway, she first becomes suspiscious if they're actually testing her, not give it at once. In other words, she thinks before she acts. At least most of the time. Her father is the one she couldn't handle and she gives in to her emotions at times). And I doubt she's the damnsel-in-distress type. With that character. She's not the type who goes crying like a helpless female when taken as hostage. She would even glare at her kidnapper.

there's more actually but they might be too spoilery . . . . and I'm only around halfway of the book!!! xD

Oh I love it~ I'm already looking for the sequel (which is freakin' difficult, guh). Special order will make me pay for shipping, aarrggh.

Anyway, I'm so in love with it. I got the UK version but the new US version of the cover looks really pretty:

Damn, maybe because it's "BLUE" . . .wahehehe

Alrighty, I have two love stories to drool over at the moment (Incarceron and Akagami no Shirayukihime 18) xD Kyaaaaaaaa~

Random: The book I was reading before Incarceron was Leviathan and it attracted me because of the art and it reminded me of Hetalia (Austro-Hungarian Empire, England, Germany, Wolrd War, OMG, etc.). I bought it, even in hardcover, because I got a discount. I've read around 20% of it so far and it hadn't been as interesting as I expected. Hopefully it won't be like that even around the later half . . . or else . . .my money . . . what a waste =_=

Random 2: Waaahh . . . my college friends aren't confirming to me about watching Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief tomorrow. . . . waaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! I wanna see it. I dunno if momz will be okay in accompanying me. I wish my brother's around. I can kidnap him anytime. Haha!

best friends, otp, novels, fandom

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