~ Europe and Hetalia Fever ~ Eurovision

May 17, 2009 09:20

Okayz, I wouldn't really have been able to hear about it if people at the hetalia community and at my flist had been talking about it.

hetalia is not just about the series after all . . . but the world xD

I love music; I am attracted to Europeans I love seeing stuff from other countries; so of course this got me interested, especially when I found this:

image Click to view

Like what some people at the community have said, THOSE EYEBROWS!!!! Bwaahahahahahha!!!!!!! xD
Seriously, I never find super thick eyebrows that attractive, but thanks to Hetalia's Arthur, they suddenly become sexy xD Bwahahhahahahaha xD
I think he's from Norway actually, but the fairytale thing, his hair, and THOSE EYEBROWS, are so Arthur xD
I don't find him that goodlooking though. Simply not my type.
The song is cute, but not the type to get me addicted. Or maybe it has something to with his voice . . . doesn't make me that tantalized ^^; Hehe.
I like the lyrics and the title of course *OH ANYTHING FAIRY TALE RELATED IS LOVE FOR ME*
What I actually love in this video? THE CHOREOGRAPHY *_* Those stunts and moves and dances . . . .WOW!!!!!!
And the one I love most is the VIOLIN MUSIC!!!!!!!!! SO PLEASANT TO MY EARS!!!!!!! *_____* I wonder if there's an MP3 version of JUST the violin track *_* IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! OH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! *_*

After this I'm checking out the other Eurovision videos xD

music, world events, hetalia, cool videos

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